Chapter 53

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          It's been about a month since I been in Adelaide. A month since I seen her at the park. A month since I talked to anyone. 2 days since I seen on instagram that she found someone new. Someone knocks on my door. "Mate? Can you come out? We are worried about you" Cal said behind the door. I slowly got up from my bed. I slowly unlocked the door.  "Bud you need to come downstairs and see your family" Cal said. I follow Calum down. My mom hugs me. "Lewi maybe it's time to move on" My dad said. "Can we please not have this conversation dad" I sighed. "Bud why don't we have a movie night?" Mikey suggested. I shake my head. "I want to just sleep please" I said and started heading straight to my room. I go to my room. I looked at my phone. I had over 100 notifications on twitter.  I have been on for a long time, I logged in. I had a DM. I clicked it open. 

@Little_Cece09: Luke? I think it's time to talk....

@Luke5SOS: I'm listening.

@Little_Cece09: I want you to be around the kids. I want you to come to their birth. They are born in December.

@Luke5SOS: you are letting me see them? Cierra I'm so sorry. You and the kids mean the world to me. I will give up the band to be with you and the kids. 

@Little_cece09: Luke I can't be with you :/ You are going to be a part of the kids lives tho but I'm in a relationship.

         I couldn't bring myself to reply to her. I lost her. I completely lost her. I feel like my heart has been shattered into a million pieces. Ashton and all of them have known about the relationship. I got up from my bed and went downstairs. I had tears in my eyes. "YOU KNEW SHE MOVED ON!" I  yelled. My parents and the boys looked down guiltily. "YOU KNEW SHE WAS IN ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP!!! YOU GUYS DIDN'T TELL ME!" I was sobbing. "Luke we didn't want to hurt you even more than you already are" Ash spoke softly. I fell to my knees. "Luke, honey, everything is going to be okay" Mum said and tried touching me. "No don't touch me get away" I said coldly. I got up and ran. I ran out of the house. I just kept running. 


          After I messaged Luke on twitter, I went to find something to eat. I recently got into a new relationship with this guy I met at the pier. His name is Jonas Callahan. He is really sweet. We just started dating not that long ago. "Babe?" Jonas broke me from my thought. "Yes love?" I said. "Your phone is ringing" Jonas said. I looked at my phone. It was Ashton. 

       "Hello?" I said. "Have you talked to Luke?" Ashton said panicky. "No why? What's wrong?" I said sitting up. "Just tell me if you talk to him. I have to go" Ashton hung up. I was confused. What was going on?. "You okay?" Jonas asked me. "Yeah everything is alright" I said. I text Liz.

What is going on? Is everything okay with Luke?-Cece

He ran out-Liz

       I called Luke's phone. It went straight to voicemail. I tried like 20 times and got nothing. My eyes widened. Was Luke okay? "Hey babe I need to head home to help my mum pack" Jonas said. Jonas was helping his mum pack for a vacation. "Okay baby I'll see you tomorrow" I kissed him. He left. I was getting sleepy. So I decided I would go to bed.  There was a knock on the door. I looked at my clock it was 4 am I went to bed at like 3 yesterday. I slowly got up from my bed. Who could be at the door at 4am? Jonas was at his mom's, Fabian went home for a bit to see his mom, Jamie and Vanessa took Miguel to see her family. I went to the door. It was storming outside. My eyes widened and I gasped when I seen who was at the door.


         Luke still hasn't came home and I was starting to get really worried. "Liz maybe he just needs some space" Ash said. "Luke is probably just at the beach we should just let him have his space." Calum said. I tried calling Luke once more. He doesn't answer. It was storming outside. I tried calling Cece. She didn't answer.


      "Cece" I said. 

Saving me from trouble|l.h. c.t. c.d.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora