Chapter 11

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         I walked into the kitchen, I see that Cece has a horrid look in her eyes. "Hey Cece? Is everything alright?" I asked. "Ashton please just leave me alone I'm making dinner" Cece wouldn't look at me. "Please I just wanna help" I said. Cece looked up at me and smiled. "I'm fine Ash just tired is all" Cece said. Something about that smile didn't feel right. Cece walked away from me.


        I walked into the living where the guys are after I was done talking to Ashton. "Hey guys ummm I wanted to be alone.  I'm pretty tired" I said not looking at them in the eyes. "Yeah it's pretty late" Mikey said. "I'll ask Ash to drop me and you off Mikey Night Cece" Calum said. "I'll walk home" Luke walked up to me. I looked up at him. "Goodnight Babygirl" Luke kissed me on the cheek. "Night Lukey, Mikey, Ashy, And Cally" I said. The guys left. Jamie came in. "Hey Nena" Jamie said. "Hi big brother" I looked down.  "What's wrong nena?" Jamie asked. "We leave for tour in 3 days..." I said. "Oh really?" Jamie said. "Yeah I'm scared.... we are going to America on tour. I'm scared he will find me. that she'll get me" I cried. "The guys won't let that happen Nena they will have to go thru us " Jamie said hugging me. "I'm going to miss you" I said. "How about we hang out tomorrow. Just me and you" Jamie kissed my forehead. I smiled. "I love you big brother" I said.  I get a text message.

Cece please talk to me.. We are really worried about you -Calpal-

If I tell you, you CAN'T tell  LUCAS please you cant tell no one Calum -Cece-

Don't worry I won't tell anyone I promise-Calpal-

I don't wanna see my ex-boyfriend or my mother. I left him without any warning. I left because it was my fault my father died. My mom and ex-boyfriend were abusing me. So I packed my stuff and found Jamie. -Cece-

It's not your fault. They can't hurt you. You have us to protect you -Calpal-

Thanks Cal -Cece-

Do you wanna hang out tomorrow? -Calpal- 

Actually I'm hanging out with Jamie tomorrow you can come along if you like-Cece- 

Sounds like fun-Calpal-

I'll text you tomorrow about it-Cece-

Luke calls me. I don't answer the phone. I feel bad but I really didn't want to talk to him. I feel like being alone. Luke texts me.

Hi beautiful, is everything okay? you seemed upset today -Luke❤️-

Everything is great Luke. I'm just really exhausted. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. -Cece-

I love you -Luke ❤️- 

I don't answer, I lay on my bed. I play some all time low. i get a text from Mikey.

Ceceboo is everything alright? I know you had a pain and heart break look in your eyes. Tell me what's wrong? -Mikey-

I really don't wanna go to America... I left for a reason... I was abused by my mother and ex- boyfriend... My ex started sending me text messages... You can't tell Luke I haven't talked to him yet -Cece-

They won't touch you We won't let them near you don't worry -Mikey- 

I just don't think i can face them. SO what are you doing? -Cece-

Playing xbox with Luke and Ashton hbu-Mikey-

Listening to All Time Low doing some laundry I'll talk to you later. -Cece-

I'll text you later. Sleep tight -Mikey-

I put my phone on the charger and take two sleeping pills. I start to drift into a deep sleep.

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