Chapter 56

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         Today we are decorating the Christmas tree. It's currently the 22 of December. We have been all busy with Christmas shopping or work. It was really hot here in Australia. I'm in shorts and a tank top right now. Jonas was helping me put the angel on top of the tree. Someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it" Jamie said and got up from the floor. Jonas put me down. "Come in" Jamie said. My eyes widened. I see the Hemmings family, Calum, and Luke's girlfriend standing in my living room. "Hey guys" Jack said. "I thought you guys weren't getting here till christmas eve" I said. "I thought Luke texted you and told you we were coming earlier" Ben said. "I forgot" Luke mumbled but avoided looking at me. "Does anyone want tea?" Vanessa asked trying to cut the tension in the room.

        "I would like some" I said. "I'll help you dear" Liz said. "I need help in the backyard would you like to help guys" Jamie said. Andrew,Ben, Jack, and Fabian started heading to the backyard. "Jonas? Can you come help us" Jamie called out. "I'll be back babe" Jonas kissed my cheek and went out. "Azraylea would you please come help me and Vanessa with the snacks" Liz called out. Azraylea went to the kitchen. Calum looked at us. "You two need to talk" Calum said. "What is there to talk about? I moved on just like everyone wanted me to" Luke said. "Bro your girlfriend is a bitch" Calum said. "I moved on just like Cierra right Cierra" Luke looked at me. I slowly nodded. My chest was hurting me. "If you two can excuse me I need to go do something" I said and rushed out of the living room and ran to my room. I locked my door and started crying. It hurt alot. 

    He's finally happy. Isn't that what you wanted? 

        I continued crying. Everyone kept knocking on my door. I ignored it. I silently cried myself to sleep. 


       "Luke you know you haven't completely gotten over" Cal said. "It doesn't matter, I have Azraylea and she has Jonas" I said. "Where is Cierra?" Vanessa came in with a cup of tea. I shrugged. "She went upstairs. She's probably upset...." Calum said. "I'm going to go get Fabian to talk to her. He usually gets her to open the door" Vanessa left. My mum is glaring at me. Azraylea came over to me. "You okay?" Azraylea asked. I nodded and she kissed me. Jamie came in a bit pissed he went upstairs and slammed the door. Fabian came in with no emotion. "JAMIE!" Vanessa called out. "What's up with them?" Calum asked. "Jonas asked for Cierra's hand in marriage and Jamie wasn't too happy" Ben said. I froze. It shouldn't matter, he makes her happy. "FABIAN PLEASE JUST GET OUT! I WANT TO BE ALONE" Cece came down the stairs and had tears in her eyes. "CIERRA! TELL ME WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Fabian screamed. "I'm sorry guys" Cece ran out the door. Everyone looked at me. I couldn't move. I didn't move. I stare at the door. "I need to go find her" Cal said. "I'll help you" Ben and Jack said. "She is due any day and it's suppose to be getting hotter" Vanessa said. "she couldn't of gotten far" Azraylea said looking at her nails. 


       I ran out of my house. I ran and ran till my legs felt numb. I ended up at the beach. It was so hot outside. I put in my headphones. I was still crying. I put on This Means War by Marianas Trench. 

  "So nice to see ya here
Impolite would only be beneath us
It's been what? A half a year
Like nothing ever happen in-between us

Fill me in on how you've been
And I would tell you anything
You'd like to hear now

And we can laugh some
Reminisce some
From the same old stories to the new ones
When the nights done, I will just see you around

But that's not what I came for, my amour
I hate to admit it but I miss the war
Gotta get you under fire quick
Brace for it
I'd rather be a riot than indifferent
Oh, This means war, yeah
This means, this means, this means, this means war

I'm calm, I'm sure of it
Don't shake because I've never even rattled
It's a good school I've heard of it
You want to move away; surrender from the battle
I just wished you opened fire on me
So I can see you still worry if I care

And you can laugh some
Reminisce some
From the same old stories to the some new ones
When the nights done, You'll just see me around

But that's not what I came for, my amour
I hate to admit it but I miss the war
Gotta get you under fire quick
Brace for it
I'd rather be a riot than indifferent
Oh, This means war
This means,
This means,
This means, this means war

Fire in the
Fire in the
Fire in the
Fire in the hole

Fire in the
Fire in the
Fire in the
Fire in the hole

Take cover baby
Take cover baby
Take cover baby
Take cover, take cover, baby
Take cover

Came for, my amour
I hate to admit it but I miss the war
Gotta get you under fire quick
Brace for it
I'd rather be a riot than indifferent
Of course you know this means war, yeah
(Fire in the hole, fire in the hole) [x8]
This means, this means, this mean this means war"
 I silently sing along with tears coming down my face. 

I Still Loved Lucas Robert Hemmings.

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