Chapter 35

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        I woke up with my head pounding. I was feeling really ill.  I get up. My stomach was really hurting. "Cece? Are you okay? You look really pale" Niall asked. "My head and stomach really hurt" I groan and hold my stomach. "Let's get you some medicine and food babe" Niall said. "Where's Luke?" I asked. "In here babe is everything alright?" Luke came in. "Something doesn't feel right" I said. "Maybe you need to just eat" Niall said and took me to the kitchen. I ate but my stomach hurt more. "We have to leave soon to the arena so Cece you can stay like that " Mikey came in. I nodded.  "Cece I'll carry you" Ash said and lifted me up bridal style. I made sure that I had my phone. Ash carried me into the arena. He sat me down on the couch. I curled up into a ball. My stomach was killing me. Luke and the boys had to go out for soundcheck. I stood up. "Hey how are you feeling?" Jack brought me a cup of apple juice. "Sick and Jack something doesn't feel right." I said. All of a sudden, I feel something warm going down my leg. I look down. There was blood. "OH MY GOSH! NIALL GET LUKE OR SOMEONE NOW!" Jack screamed. I was dizzy. "Cece I need you to stay with me." Jack caught me before I hit the floor. 


             I was on stage with the lads. "LUKE!! LUKE!!" Niall came in running. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Cece.... Blood.... Come.... Now" Niall breathed. I ran to the dressing room and see blood on the floor. "What happened?!" I asked. "I don't know but we need to get her to a hospital right now" Jack said carrying her. We got to a car. We drove to a hospital. I carried her in. "Someone please help! My pregnant girlfriend is bleeding and she fainted!" I panicked. Suddenly nurses and doctors took her.  "Sir, I need you to give me information. Name, Age, birthday, How far along is she" Nurse asked. "Cierra Salina Torres, 16, July 18th, and I believe she has been about 4 weeks pregnant" I said. "Please have a seat and we'll call you if we hear from the doctor" the nurse said. I went to find Jack. I found him and hugged him. I was crying. "I called the boys, Ash said he seen the blood in the backroom" Jack said. "What is there is something wrong with our child Jack?" I sobbed. "Think positive baby brother. The lads are on their way" Jack rubbed my back. I sobbed into my hands. about 20 minutes later, I see the lads. Mikey comes over to me and hugs me. "Everything is going to be alright." Mikey said. Ash hugged me then Cal. I sobbed in Cal's arms. "What if she isn't alright?!" I said. "Bro you have to have some faith" Ash said. "Yeah Cece and baby temmo is going to be alright" Cal said. 

        We sat in the waiting for what seemed like hours. Cal and Ash went back to the show to tell the fans we couldn't play, there was an emergency. "Cierra Torres?" A doctor said. I stood up quickly. "How is she and the baby doctor" I asked. "Cierra is doing just fine and baby? You are having twins. and I'm Dr. Scarlette Fray." Dr. Fray said. "Twins?!" I was shocked. Jack and Mikey were wide eyed. "Yes sir, Cierra was  under some type of stress and that's the reason why she started bleeding" Dr. Fray said.  "Can I go see her?" I asked. Dr. Fray showed me to her room. "Cece" I said softly. She looked at me. "Hi baby" Cece said groggily. "Cece did you hear the news. We're having twins!" I said. Cece stared at me. "I'ma call Cal" Mikey said and pull out his phone. "Cece is everything alright?" Jack asked. "Yeah I'm just tired" Cece said not looking up. "Cal its twins!" Mikey said. It sounded like Cal was speechless. I laughed. Cal and Ash screamed with glee. "That's great!" Cal said. "Congrats!" Ash shouted. I noticed Cece fell asleep. "We should go get her some clothes. Luke you stay here. I'll be back I also have to sign her out" Jack said. I nodded and Mikey stayed with me.  Jack left. "I can't believe it" I said. "It's crazy and dude twitter is going crazy about the scene at the arena." Mikey said.  I got on twitter.

@BreakingNewzCelebs: @Luke5SOS was seen leaving the arena with @J.hemming20 carrying an bloody @Little_Cece09 to a car. Sources say she was rushed to the hospital. @Ashton5SOS and @Calum5SOS told fans that they weren't going to perform because of an emergency. Is everything alright with Cierra? 

        I groaned. Seriously do we have zero privacy? It's been an hour and Jack isn't back. "Luke? Why are you pacing around?" Cece asked. "I'm just waiting for Jack" I said and walked over to give her a kiss on the forehead. Jack comes in. "I signed you out Cece  and I brought you clothes. Sorry if I took long there's paps and fans all over the hospital" Jack said. "Seriously?" Mikey said. "I don't wait to go out there Luke" Cece grabbed my hand. "Don't worry Cece They won't touch you we could always sneak you guys out" Mikey said. "Well if Mikey and I leave first then they'll think Luke left already if we told them that" Jack said. "Good idea. but then they'll know since they haven't seen me!" I said. "we could just shield her and the kids" Mikey said. "better idea" I said. "Can you help me get dressed" Cece asked me.  

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