Ch7:Soon Our New Jobs

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When Roman saw our surprise he told us to stay here while he go talk to someone.

"Do you think he is doing"? Questioned Katrina.

" I don't know,he is pretty unpredictable and mysterious that why I love him" Replied Jamie.

Just than Roman came back with Stephanie McMahon.

"Hi, you must be the girl Roman, Dean, Dolph, and Seth were talking a lot about" Said Stephanie.

"Yeah I'm Ava"Said Ava.

"I'm Jamie" Said Jamie

"I'm Katrina" respond Katrina

"I'm Carolina" Said Carolina.

"Nice to me you all, now the guy said you always wanted to be divas"Asked Stephanie.

"Yeah and we have been training on heading to NXT first than WWE".Said Katrina.

After The Meeting:
Dean had a steel cage match with Shamus. Ava was pretty scared what was going to happen. But Dean said Ava can watch from the side for moral support. Once Dean's music can on Ava and Dean walked to the ring. Then the league of legends music interrupted Dean's music. When Alberto Deal Rio tried to distract Roman came out and SuperMan punch him and Russev tried to attack Roman But Roman ducked and grabbed a steel chair and struck Russev's back and decided to stop Shamus from climbing the cage and throw the chair in the ring were Dean could reach. After a fight on top of the ring Dean won and Roman also delivered a spear to Shamus before he could even do anything. Ava jumped in the arms of Dean and congratulated him on his win and also thanked Roman for helping on the side on the ring.

Later that day:

I met Cody Rhodes and I talk with him a bit talking about my friend Ana.

"So, What do you think"? Questioned Jamie.

"Well I will ask her out and see what's she is like"replied Cody.

"Thank you Cody for doing this even if I just met you"Thanked Jamie.

"You Welcome"Said Cody.

After talking to Cody:

I called Ana if she would go out with one of my friend.


Jamie:Hey Ana, how's it going?

Ana:Fine single as ever

Jamie: I have a friend if you want to go out with him

Ana: You already sent it up didn't you

Jamie: Yup so you can't back down for it because he is friends with my boyfriend

Ana: You have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me

Jamie: I met him when our car broke down he helped us fix it

Ana: Is he cute?

Jamie: I'll text you a picture of me and him

Ana: OMG he is cute

Jamie: And he is all mine

Ana: So what is the guys name

Jamie:Cody Rhodes

Ana:Okay,did you give him my number?

Jamie:No he gave me his number to give you

Ana:Okay, So where are we meeting ?

Jamie Cheddars, so call me on how the date when

Ana:Okay bye

Jamie Bye

*Ends Call*

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