Epic Match

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Me and Roman were getting ready for our match and spotted the Usos and went over the plan again. "Okay so does everyone know their parts"Roman questioned. We nodded put our mask on. Me, Seth, Dean and Roman made our way to the stairs.


We all walked down slowly and jumped the barricades and slid in the ring. We paced around the ring and waited for the Usos and they music were interpreted by the league of legends with Alicia Fox walking down the ramp. Seth and Dean left the ring knowing we were going to win. I was in the ring with Alicia Fox and The bell rang we locked up, I broke hold and hit the ropes and she Fox Bombed me but I kicked out I tagged Jimmy uso and Alicia Fox tagged in "King" Barrett. I got my hair out of my face and returned to the corner. Jimmy was flying everywhere and I was watching it all with my 2 eyes. Jey and Roman were getting the crowd pump. Dean was going crazy and Seth was giving death stares at Alberto Del Rio at the other side of the ring. Both Jimmy and King barrett clothesline each other with a huge thud on the mat. Jimmy tagged in Roman and "King" barrett tagged in Sheamus. Before they started fight it when dark and The Wyatt Family came out and I was terrified I backed up to Dean and Seth and they protected me from getting taken again. But they weren't the ones after me. Randy Orton came from behind and tried to taken me till I kicked him where the sun don't shine. I signed Roman to continue. Roman speared Sheamus and won. The rest of the shield and the Usos jumped in the ring and cracked their knuckle and prepare to fight. I looked behind us and Randy had a steel chair and was about to get in the ring. I told Roman and Jey to focus on Randy and Dean, Seth and Jimmy to look at The Wyatt Family. Randy got in the ring and I ran full speed and jumped on his back to get a choke hold. Eventually Randy was on his knees. I got off and The Usos super kicked him and Roman superman punched him out of the ring. All of us focused on the Wyatt Family that walked forward and all of us got out the ring. "Look like the The shield are Chickening out"JBL announced. We all grabbed steel chair and slid back in the ring. "Well looks like the Wyatt Family has a problem" Cole announced
{Next chapter Questions:What do you think will happen? Will there be a awesome battle or will it crumble to dust.}💋😋

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