Suspected the unsuspected

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Monday Night Raw-

I was in the ring with the hounds beside me. I put the mic up to my lip but was interrupted by the Authorities music came on.

"Jamie, I know what you were going to say" Stephanie said walking down the ramp.

"You do? Because I was going to announce the I was retiring from being in The Shield but will always have their backs in the ring "I said rolling the mic in my hand.

"Wow, you didn'thave to do that because we have that plan B" Triple H said with a smirk.

Seth got out of the ring and grabbed 2 chairs and placed on of them in one of the corners.I walked over to Roman and Dean.

"Roman,Dean watch your back for Seth. I know he is plan B. And this is just like him to backstab us" I whispered.

They nodded and turned their attention to the Authorities but Seth back up slowly. I turned to face him and grabbed the chair in the corner. Seth was about to swing the chair at Roman's back but I blocked Seth hit and attacked him with the chair. I grabbed the chair in his hand and gave in to Dean.

"Go crazy,Brotha"I smirked

He nodded and suicide dive through the ropes and swung the chair at Triple H, Randy Orton, Kane, and Bautista. Roman and me were handling Seth and beating him to a pulp. Once we were finished we help out Dean.I took out Triple H and delieverd his own finished since he was one of my coaches back at NXT. (Author:I forgot a few things in this story but pretty much I knew Roman and Seth when I was dating Dean and I was in NXT when Roman asked me to be ringside cheering me on during his match) Me, Roman and Dean left The Authorities beside the ring and head backstage.

"Oh Roman" I skipped around him.

"Yes Baby Girl" he stopped and looked down at me.
"I won the bet and you own me my make out session"I Singed

"Later Baby Girl"He said beginning to walk away but I got in front of him.

"But I want it know"I begged giving him my famous puppy dog eyes

"But I don't want it to get heated and end up in my locker room with clothes everywhere"He said calmly.

"But I won and when you win I always give you your reward" I whined.

"I will give it to you at the hotel room. I still want to be professional at work or we can get fired or suspended for who knows how long"Roman said pulling me closer.

"Fine, but I was to ask you something about us and JoJo would need to be here for that discussion"I said walking away leaving him confused. I went to the bathroom and got dressed in some casual clothes and grabbed my suitcase.

What will Jamie wsnt talking to Roman about? Will Seth's life be a living hell? Find out Next on My Secret Journal

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