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Once we left the arena:
We waited for Dean's match with the Usos vs The league of legends except Alberto Del Rio. Me, Roman, Carolina, Dolph, Katrina, Seth, and Ava watch from backstage to manage that they don't cheat.Once we saw that they were about to cheat Roman, Seth and Dolph went down. Me and the girl went through the front entrance to cause a distraction.

Roman than speared Russev and superman punched Bad News Barrett. Ressev got up and Kicked Roman in the jaw and Seth and Dolph got knocked out before Roman did. Me and the girl than walked down the stage and help Roman,Seth,Dolph and the Usos up.Bad New Barrett tried to hit Roman But I got in front, Barrett stopped himself and that gave Roman time to spear him.

I gave Roman a kiss on the cheek and Ava then walked over to Dean and helped him up made sure he was okay and gave him a kiss for a extra boost.Dean got back in the ring and went crazy and Sheamus didn't think their could be a more crazier Dean Ambrose.Dean and the Usos lose when Dean tagged Jimmy uso in.

Jimmy was getting some painful hits. When Dean tried to stop the league of legends from cheating Dean got hit from behind by Kevin Owens. Ava tried to destract Owens so Roman could drag Dean to safe stop but Owens end up pushing Ava which brough out Crystal Dynamite in me and I end up going crazy just like Dean Ambrose and speared Kevin Owens thought the announce table.

Roman Picked up Dean and walked him back to the locker rooms. And I was complete like Dean in the ring. I went up to Kevin and threatened him.

"Keep you cool or another spear will be in your future and it won't be me it will be Roman" I yelled into the mic.

I picked up Ava and we left the ring, leaving Kevin Owens though the announce table. Triple H saw how I did my finisher on Owen and offered me and the girl to wrestle here on WWE.Me and the girls said yes and we met up with Roman, Dean, Dolph,and Seth in the locker room.

(Aurtor: Or course we knocked before entering the boys locker room and covered out eye till they said it was clear)

We walked in and saw thatDean got a few staple in his head.I sat next to Roman and he said me a question.

"What happened out there"? Roman questioned.

"He pushed Ava,I had to fight back and I brought the pain" I replied.

"You've learned from the best" Roman.

"Thanks babe"I said.

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