My Next Match

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My Next Match:
I had to fight AJ Lee,everyone knows she always have Divas come out to distract he opponent than strike with the black widow.The Shield's music played and I rocked my Shields outfit.Roman,Seth and Dean where by Myside walking slowly to the ring.When we got to the ring AJ Lee'music played. She skipped like she hadn't worries in the world. The bell ringed and she already tried to put me in black widow but I refused and did the the back breaker on AJ then Kevin Owen came out. I refused to be distracted and I used superman punch on AJ and waited for her to get up and delivered a spear 1...2...3... YOUR WINNER IS CRYSTAL DYNAMITE. I got out of the ring to see Kevin Owens on the floor. I grabbed a mic and I look down at him " I warned you. Look at you now your on the ground" I said. Roman grabbed a mic. "Jamie, You are an officially part of The Shield" Roman And the other said. I turned and hugged Roman and The other guys. I dropped the mic and left the ring to a special surprise in the shield private locker room.Roman blind folded me and him and the others carried me over to the private locker room. "Why dont you just hold me hand and drag me to it"? I questioned. "I'm not letting you hit a wall while Im taking you there" Dean replied. "Well, someone had their hand on my ass" I responded. "Sorry" Seth respond. "ugh" I said. " We are here,babe" said Roman. Roman walked me through the door way and took the blindfold off. "OH MY GOSH!" I squealed. I ran to my New locker and saw that it was decorated for me. " Where are they"? I asked. " What do you mean" Seth smirked. " I know you guys didn't decorated my locker. Where is Katrina, Carolina and Ava?" I asked. "They are around here somewhere " Dean replied. I look through my locker and saw a note it in.
*Read Note*
We have been together for 2 and a half years .....
Turn around
*Stopped Reading The Note*
I turned around to see that Roman was on one knee and was holding a ring. "Jamie,we have been together for 2 and a half years and it was the best 2 and a half years in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and settle down with you. Will you Marry me Jamie Belle Pierce?" Roman asked. I burst out in tears and nodded my head yes. The Girls came in the a bunch of flowers and congratulated me on the engagement.

Next time on My Secret Journal:
Jamie runs into some troubles
What will it be?
Who will cause it?
Will I lose my title soon?

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