Long Time No See

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April 3,2016

Today was Wrestlemania and I had a mixed match. Roman and I vs Jimmy and Naomi.I was interrupted in thought when my phone started ringing. I picked up my phone and Read Sophia😈(GilinskysHoeBxtch). I picked up the phone not expecting my childhood friend.

*Phone Call*

Sophia😈-Hey Jamie!!


Sophia😈-I have some awesome new and your never going to guess

Jamie💋-You got a few days off from Magcon tour to come to Wrestlemania with the guys?

Sophia😈- How did you know?

Jamie💋- Did you forget I'm a Magcon fan!!!

Sophia😈- Oh right

Jamie💋-Im gonna get you and the guys backstage hope you know that!! Plus I got new for my own😌. See you tonight

Sophia😈- See y'all byeee

*End Call*

OMG I can't believe Sophia is coming to Wrestlemania and she is going to freak out when I tell her that I had twins and I'm married. I just hope she can babysit Harper and Jackson sometimes. Maybe she could be another godmother.


Wrestlemania was starting in at least 20mins and it was a full house. I was walking around backstage and washeading to security roses if Sophia was there with Magcon boys. I was looking over the security guards shoulders and saw someone wearing a shirt that said 'Jamiemania' with 'Just Do It's on the back.

"Sophia" I screamed

"Jamie, I'm so happy your here. This fucker won't let me it" Sophia yelled.

"YOUR FRIENDS WITH THE JAMIE "BADASS" Kian and Jc said at the same time

"Yes and Yo guys let my friends in OR I will certainly kick both y'all ass with a Superman punch" I said cracking my knuckles.

"Sorry Mrs. Anoa'i-Pierce"One of the guards said while the other let Sophia and Magcon in.

"Mrs. Anoa'i-Pierce?"Sophia questioned

"Yeah, I'm married to Roman Reigns. And I had twins named Jackson William Anoa'i-Pierce and Harper Madison Anoa'i-Pierce" I said showing off my ring

"Wow you have been business for a while"Sophia said walking over to Jack.

"Yeah, and I was wonderimg if you would want to be one of the godparents" I asked heading to mine and Roman's locker room with them following me.

"Btw I'm dating Jack Johnson"Sophis said proudly.

"Sophia did you not realize I knew you would end up with him when we were kids?" I said with a smirk

"I knew one day I would end up with the perfect boyfriend in the world" Sophia said kissing Jack on the cheek.

"Okay love birds, ready to my hubby"I said peeking in my locker room.

"Hey babe, are your friends here yet"Roman said zipping up his vest.

"Yeah, and the guys are BIG fans of yours" I said opening the door wide to let them in.

"OMG, Roman I hope you kick Triple H ass to get YOUR title back"Carter said fist bumpping Roman.

"How long have y'all been married for"

"About a year and 4 months"Roman said wrapping his arms around me.

"Awwwww. If this gets anymore cute I'm going to barf" Kian said.

"Okay, guys I thinks it time for y'all to get to you seat by the barricades" I said giving them the BETTER tickets since there seat are way in the back.

"Jamie, your the best friend ever for getting us BETTER seats. Btw I really wanna see Shane McMahon vs Undertaker" Sophia said jumping up and down.

"If you just guys come backstage before my match, we can go to the catering to meet some Superstars and Divas at your choice"Roman said

"That will be AWESOME!!"Jc said like Miz


Roman's match was in an hour and I was with Sophia and the guys in the catering. I was eating so much health food. Stuffing my face well Kian, Jc, and Carter were watching me devour the fruit and Caesar salad.

"Guys, stop starring. This is her healthy stress eating" Sophia said while they looked away to stare that the tv

I finish my food and my co-worker/TagTeamPartner Lola (chantecoco)came and said that I was in a match with Charlotte for the Woman's championship. I smirked and knew all her moves and how to distract her. I left the catering with Lola behind me.

"Lona, I need you to be at ringside to get Ric away from the match so I can actually get a fair shot" I begged at I kept walking to my locker room

"I'll do it as long at that gloating little piece of trash is not our champion" Lola said with the biggest smirk.

I got in my matching attire as Lola and wet my hair a bit and walked out the bathroom and did our sexy pose in our new attire.

"Team Jola" Lola said putting her hand towards me

"Team Jola forever till we retire"I said putting my hands on top of hers.


We walked out of my locker room and head to the gorilla with my arm around Lola's shoulders while both of us screaming thing like 'Jolamania FTW' or 'Jolamania will crush all the Divas and Superstars'

"Jola your up"A manager said.

"ight" I replied


"LET'S GOOOOO"I screamed as our music played.

We strut down the and did our sexy poses. We backflipped into the ring and hit a split and did a cool ninja roll into a front flip. Than Charlotte's music hit and her dad can walking behind her.


It was about 40minute in the match and I had the upper hand till Ric grabbed my leg and pulled me out of the ring.I crawled back into the ring and notice Lola came over to Ric and slapped him MAD HARD. Charlotte had her back toward me and I got ready to spear her. She turned around and I got a MASSIVE spear and knocked her out. I pinned her and I got MY title back for the WWE Universe and for my babies at home.Lola came in the ring and hugged me. Roman came running and gave me the most passionate and sweet kiss and a massive bearhug. I had just made history for Woman's Wrestling. I went backstage and walked to the catering earning 'congrats' and 'you made history'. I smiled and walked over to Sophia with tired of happiness and had a group hug. Roman's match was in 10 minutes sinvlce I had to stop and give hundred of people hugs and stop on giving fans autographs.


Roman was going for a spear to Triple H but ended up spearing Stephanie and this is going to bite me in the ass when she comes back.Roman hit another spear and pinned Triple H for the win. I screamed and ran down the ramp with my title around my waist and jumped into Roman's arms and confetti 🎊 rain down. Roman and I smirked and we did his battle scream as the WWE Universe joins as we walked backstage hand in hand.
This is the final part of this story but I'm going to make a sequal soon. Hope you enjoyed.

-Love Jamie


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