New start (All Jamie pov)

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Today I had toto the change everything because boss lady told me I'm becoming a heel and wanted me to betraying the shield on screen but I was still going to be the same Jamie off screen. I changed my theme song to gimme chocolate by Baby Metal. My entire ring gear was like Paige and Naomi mixed together and they was my onscreen and offscreen best friends alone with The Thunder twins, Bella twins, Natalya, Eva Marie, Alicia Fox. Pretty much all the divas except AJ Lee and Summer Rae. I got dressed and made my way to Boss lady and boss man office where Randy Orton and Batista were sitting down and the door was wide open waiting for me.

"Jamie,want you to joined the Authorities" Boss Lady said sitting on the table.

"I'll think about it" I said going to the mini fridge.

"Don't go in there"Boss lady demand.

I look at her with a death stare and did the undertaker's signature neck thingy and boss lady automatically shut up and looked at Boss Man.

"Jamie, I suggest you ask before you go through our stuff" Boss man said in a calm voice.

"And I suggest you shut the hell up. Because i can destroy you all with one simple step" I said with a smirk.

I grabbed a coke from the mini fridge and walked out of the room to Roman's locker room.

"Hey, baby girl what's up with the new gear" Roman questioned.

"Well, I went to the Authorities's office and they want me to join the Authoritiy But I already know my answer "I said finishing up my coke.

"I love you and we aren't getting rid of the title of being the power couple of WWE"Roman pulled me into muscular arms.

"Baby, I'll talk to the boss lady to change it to someone else. Plus I definitely know who they are going to pick if I don't want it to happen"I pecked his lips.

"Do you wanna make a bet on who we think"Roman said into my neck.

"Okay you one.Winner gets a full 3 minutes make out session. I think the Authorities will get Seth"I said sitting other couch.

"And I'll choose Sheamus" Roman said sticking his hand out and I shook it.

I gave a good-bye kiss and heading back to the Authorities's office and knocked on the door waiting till someone said come in. I walked in and sat down next to Randy.

"I have my answer boss lady"I said with a smirk.

"Great now let's go over the plans"Boss man said.

"My answer is No" I said getting up.

"You don't know what your doing Jamie"Boss lady yelled.

I got in her face and reminded her who I was related to and will beat her ass this one simple phone call. She looked at Hunter who was shocked to hear I was related to Stone cold Steve Austin, Lita, Booker T, and the one and only Hulk Hogan. I walked out and when to the TV room and watched Foxy and Charlotte's match.Next was main event and I made my way back to The Shield's locker room and lays down till all three of my boys came out in their ring gear. We walked to the stairs and waited for our music to start. I walked out first with Roman's arm on my shoulders.
Dean and Seth were behind us and Seth was the plan B to the Authority's plan and I knew exactly was was going to happen
*Thoughte End*

I jumped over the barricades and grabbed 1 mic and rolled into the ring......

{If you remember when Seth Rollins betrayed The Shield you should know what is going to happen but there is going to be a trust and turned and you won't suspected it.}

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