7 months later

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It's been 7 months and and there is 2 more months to go. Joe has been working and taking time off to help me through my pregnancy.I was about take a shower when a left water go down my right leg. OMG IM 2 MONTHS EARLY!!!!

"JOSEPH LEATI ANOA'I!!!!" I screamed in pain

Joe came running in is boxer and an apron that said 'kiss the cook'. I was a little turned on but my water broke.

"What happened" He panicked

"Call Dean, Adriana, Carolina, Katrina and Seth. Tell them to meet us at the hospital. AND PUT ON SOME DAMN PANTS ON DAMMIT"I screamed

Joe rushed to the clothes to put on blue jeans,a black V-neck shirt and some Air Jordan 8 and grabbed my packed pregnant bag. Joe helped me to the car and drove to the hospital and called Dean in the car. Joe arrived at the hospital and ran out the car to get some help for me.

"I'm not delivering this baby till I get Carolina,Adriana, and Katrina in here" I screamed at Roman.

Roman ran out the room and Came back with the girls following behind.

"We're here you can deliver now" Carolina said calmly.

"Mrs. Anoa'i-Pierce you can start pushing" the doctor said.

I started pushing and pushing to I heard crying. I open my eyes and say a beautiful baby girl with my nose and Joe's eyes.

"Okay, Jamie ready to push again" The doctor said giving the baby to the nurse to clean her up.


"Babe, you need to calm down. Please. For the baby's health. He said holding my hand tighter.

"I'm so sorry. Its the hormones going everywhere"I cried a little.

"Babe, I know now let's the outlets other baby"he said kissing my hand.

I started pushing again and again till I heard crying again. I open my eyes and say a beautiful baby boy. With my eyes and Joe's nose. I cried on how beautiful my babies were and how they are so tiny they are.

"Can we come in now"Dean said peaking his head in.

"Haha yeah my babies are just getting cleaned up"I said feeling drained.

"BABIES"!! Dean and Seth yelled

"Dude you banged her enough to have twins"Dean said surprised. Adriana slapped Dean in the back of the head.

"OW"Dean said dramatically

Next thing I knew I was passed out from exhaustion and pain from giving birth.

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