7 months later Pt2

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I woke up realizing that I didn't name my babies and that Joe was holding the twins.

"Hey babe, what should we name the twins" I asked Joe.

"My my Lil princess I was thinking Harper Madison Anoa'i-Pierce " Joe replied.

"I like it. I was thinking for my baby boy Jackson William Anoa'i-Pierce" I said grabbing Jackson.

"I love it. And I love you very much"Joe Said kissing me.

"I love you too"I said against his lips.

The doctor knocked on the door and I said to come in. He told me I can take the twins home later today when Joe fills out the release forms.

"Mrs.Anoa'i-Pierce i'm going to take the twin to be fed if you don't mind" The nurse said.

"I don't mind at all" I replied.with that she left with the twins and another nurse came.

"Do you want anything handsome"She said in a flirty way.

"Bitch, how about you leave"I said with sass.

"Was I talking to you brat"I said back.

I got out of the damn bed and got in her face.

"I'm a professional wrestler and your going to have to deal with me. So I suggest that you stay away for MY MAN or else I will have you in that wheelchair"I spat at her causing her to flinch.

"I-Im s-sorry. I-im just g-going to go n-now"She stutter and ran out the room.

I looked at Roman and his little 'friend' was pushing against his pants.

"Roman, control your 'friend'. I'll deal with that when we take the twins to my parents and they stay there for the night" I said walking back to the bed.

Roman looked down and tried to calm his 'friend' down. But it's was funny watching him getting a little embarrassed about it.But I can't believe I had him horny in public that never happened before.

The doctor came back and handed Joe the forms and he quickly filled it out and gave me my clean clothes he brought with him.

I got dressed in the bathroom and came out to see Joe with the twins getting them in the carseat. We took the twins to my parents and had a bit of fun went we got home. (If you know what I mean😏😌)

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