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That Night:
We went to the Airport to go on our honeymoon to Paris. Me and Roman went on a private jet and celebrated our marriage. I end up falling asleep on Roman's lap and he held me like a baby.When I woke up Roman was asleep. I tried to get up but he was holding me in the tightest grip. I kissed him and he woke up automatically."Morning Baby"I said innocently. "Why are you waking me up so early" He asked. "Because you muscley arms are holding me back from eating" I replied "It's because I don't want you to leave me"Roman said. "Baby, people need to eat"I respond. "Fine but when your done your coming about to me"Roman smirked. I got up and got something to eat, Then I felt someone looking over on my shoulders. I turned around and Roman had his hands on my waist."What is taking so long" He questioned. "Baby, I'm just getting a snack"I replied.He hand moved to my butt and that made me giggle. I turned to Roman and started to kiss him.Then I turned back around and grabbed my snack and brought it back to my seat. "Wow, you leave me to that amazing kiss to eat a snack" Roman questioned. "I said I was hungry" I replied. I smirked and continued eating my snack.

We finally landed in Paris and already saw the Eiffel Tower.We called for a cab to drive us to a hotel. That night was so special I can't even explain what happened. We explored to clubs and restaurants.When we got back to the Hotel we played Never have I every with Alcohol. I won because I didn't get that drunk.We both when to sleep and I remembered we are going to have such a headache.

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