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Cute boy working in my basement

I was stuck in the same house with a tall and cute 16-year old for about six hours. Do you know how that made me feel? Okay. Nothing really. I wasn't falling for him or anything because I haven't even talked to the guy. But I was drooling over his looks for about a good hour before I forgot he was even here.

He used my downstairs bathroom and when he came out, I went in. Not to take his finger print or to capture his scent. I actually was going to pee but when I went in, I did smell him. Or his previous presence. Or so I thought. The bathroom smelled so good, weirdly enough. I thought it was him I was smelling but then I came back like half an hour later and discovered that I was just smelling the soap in the bathroom. I would say I was disappointed but I wasn't. The bathroom smelled good, the guy smelled good, and if I used the same soap, my hands will smell good. It's basically a win-win.

I was later going through a box full of other bathroom stuff looking for the nail clip and something in that box smelled like my boyfriend. You know, the one I'm missing and internally screaming at? Yeah, that one. I immediately got away from the box and walked away. I'm not dealing with those thoughts again.

Don't judge me by the song I've chosen.

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