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My bff and her arm

So today, a boy squeezed my best friend's butt, as sad as it is, that wasn't a huge surprise. As a "reflex," she punched him in his special area and he punched her in her arm. Knowing my best friend, this is like a normal thing. Until you looked at her arm. It wasn't that bad if you've seen worse. But ou could see the boy's finger marks (you know the way your fingers look when they're in a fist, yeah, those kind of marks) on her arm. I know it was wrong, but I started laughing. So then she asked me to go with her to the nurse's office. So I did.

Before we went to the office, she told me that she wanted to show the boy what he had done to her arm. So being my awesome self, I went back into the lunchroom and called him--government name and everything--and showed him her arm. The people at his table just looked at us as he examined her arm. He was laughing. I shrugged him off and we continued our way to the nurse's office.

Now before I get into the funny part, let me just tell you that my best friend will come up with the most ridiculous lies ever. She will make up something that doesn't seem accurate at all or even related to what happened. So keep that in mind.

So, we walked into the office and my friend asked for an ice pack. The nurse asked what for. My best friend said, "I fell and hit my arm on the table." I immediately started cracking up, silently though. I was just thinking, how the hell do you fall and hit your arm on the table and get FINGER marks (or fist marks) on your arm. See? Weird lie. I had to leave the room before she even got her ice pack because that just seemed so inaccurate.

I continued laughing about it for about twenty minutes. But I love her so I let her slowness pass...slowly...see what I did there? No, okay.

Have you guys ever heard a ridiculous lie that just made you wonder, how does that even anything to do with what happened?

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