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Wonder. Want. Wish. Wait.

Boy do I wish someday, a guy will knock on my window and ask to come in. To always enter through my bedroom window. To smile at me with sincerity. To kiss my lips gently or to hold my hand with everyone watching. To send shivers down my back from so much blushing. To make my cheeks burn. To make my face permanently red . To make me cry tears of joy. To make me angry because I care so much. To make me cry from hurting me so much because I care. To make me have mixed feelings about everything because I care too much.

I dream of a boy all the time. But then reality strikes. And then I remember how every time I stumble upon a boy, he's not the boy. He's just another careless jerk looking for something a little more physical.

I don't know when I'll wake up and realize that this is just life but when I do, can you be right there next to me? Can you be there to dry my tears? Can you be there to reassure me that everything's fine even though we both know it's not. Can you be there to help me stand up? Can you be there to help me up when I fall down? Can you be there? Please? It's not too much to ask, is it? 

Maybe it is too much to ask. But that's just my one request. 

I don't want a boy. I don't want to be in love. What I want is to love someone. Whether it be in a romantic way or just to care for them. And I do. I love my parents. I love my cousins that are like my sisters and brothers. I love my brothers. I love my cat. I love my goldfish and snail. I love my school. I love the people at school. I love the tree in my backyard. And the dent in the wall. I love it all. I love everything.

But I still wonder. And I still want. And I still wish. And I still wait.

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