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Exs and Ohs

I hate breakups. It's a long process. I mean, if you're like me that is. If you're like me, you breakup with the guy and you're fine for the first few days that you don't see him. In those first few days, you're basically walking around singing Single Ladies at the top of your lungs because you're happy you got that douchebag out of your business and probably life.

But then comes that day you see your ex again. At first, you might feel so happy you're not with them. Until you see them and they are acting as though nothing even happened. Their life has changed. At. All. Then you feel so guilty and start to rethink your breakup. You even regret it. And then those stupid ass feelings come back. And the last thing is when you spend weeks trying to get back together with them or trying to see if they want to get back together with you.

That's basically my life in the last month. I hate this stupid feeling. So I decided to ask my ex if he actually wanted to breakup and he said, and I quote, "I don't know." That was nowhere near a reasonable answer. Then being my dumb, slow self, I decided to tell him weeks later that I still liked him but that I didn't think we could go out again. I asked him if he wanted to be friends, not friends, or more than friends. You literally have no idea how much it hurt to hear him say "friends."

So now, I'm trying to get over him. Let me just tell you, this is not easy...AT ALL!!! Especially when you see them almost EVERYDAY! I'm so glad it's Friday. I can't stand another day of seeing his face and knowing that he no longer has feelings for me.

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