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Thank you

I just want to thank everyone who read any of my books. You all are fabulous people and I'm glad you enjoy reading my stories. I really appreciate your support and votes and reads. I appreciate you all a lot. 

I remember about two years ago, I was looking for a website that I could publish my stories on because I love to write. Then my cousin introduced me to Wattpad and can I just tell you how much I love Wattpad? Words can't even describe it because I just love the opportunities it has given me. I've been excited to publish each part of my books because I can't wait for you all to read them. To see the numbers going up just makes my heart happy.

Today, I actually was really excited to see all these notifications from Wattpad on my phone and laptop. I was telling my brother why I was so happy even though he didn't really care. But I was just so happy.

I want to thank you all for reading my new book (this one) and for voting. I know I can sometimes be annoying and/or make you want to delete my book. But thanks for sticking around.

I also want to thank my 11 followers. Sure it's not a lot but I want to thank the ones who pressed that follow button. You all rock!

I hope you all will continue to stick around and follow, comment, and vote. Thank you all so much.



P.S.-I couldn't think of a song for this so that's the best I could come up with. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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