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My hair

Long curly hair problems OH MY GOD!!!!!!

Okay, understand that I am in no way trying to brag nor really complain but let me tell you that my hair is so...I don't even know! I can't find a word to describe it. But it's just so...UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so number one, my hair tangles easily and a lot. When I say tangle, I mean a jungle combined with a million knots. I don't know if that really gave you a good picture but that's the best I could do.

But anyway.

Oh and don't even get me started on when my hair meets humidity. Lord Jesus. It poofs up and then sticks together like old cotton candy. Again, bad analogy. But it is so hard to comb and when I wash it, I have to use a bunch of products just to tame it. And even when I do use a bunch of products, it still hurts like hell.

Oh yeah. I'm tender headed. Like, a lot. And my mom is heavy handed. So imagine that. A heavy handed woman doing a tender headed girl's hair. It's a recipe for disaster. And a lot of tears. And bumps scattered around my head from tugging on my scalp too hard or too much. Like seriously, I have probably gotten at least a hundred bumps on my head from her tugging on my scalp too much. At one point, they started to ich a lot so I scratched them and jacked up my head.


But I love my hair. I love its length and the volume it holds. And I love it when I take it out of my usual braids and it's extra curly.

Wait, why am I telling you this? I don't think you care about my hair at all...

That song above just reminded me of this whole chapter...about how...you don't...care...


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