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Two thousand, sixteen

A NEW YEAR!!!!!!!


I can't believe it's 2016! I looked down in 2015 and looked up into 2016 like...what the...

But anyway, I am so happy it's a new year. But you all know that means I'm deleting The Problem With Us. I know, I know. But I hate that story now. But on the bright side, I'm publishing two new books! This is one of them (and yes I know I used but four times in this BUT I don't care).

Yes, I changed my name. In my opinion, it's better than aadm8202 because that pretty much gives a lot of information about me.

But anyway, OMGGGG!!!!! 2016 is finally here! I can finally delete The Problem With Us, finish Drunk Tattoos and The Secret Stalker, and possibly finish The College Wishlist (okay, I actually can't promise you that I'll finish any of those).

I'm so glad you all stayed with me from somewhere in 2014 all the way until today, January 1st, 2016!!!

I love you all and I love Wattpad.



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