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Boy named after a city in Texas

Have you ever been kind of mad or upset at someone or something but then you just couldn't stay mad at them? Well, that was me today.

I should've asked him but when I saw him walking over, I melted into goo. I couldn't remember what I was going to ask him but he didn't matter because as soon as his finger touches me, I forgive him for everything.

It sucks to be so weak when it comes to things like this but I just can't help it.

It's weird how people you rarely talk to come up to you to ask about your relationship status. Sometimes I feel like saying, "It's none of your business" but that's the same as telling a paparazzi that. I mean, it kind of is their job to take pictures of you whenever they can. But when you can control who talks to you, you feel very powerful which is kind of a sick feeling.

Sorry, getting off topic.

I don't know what to do. My friend says he's the type of guy who would cheat on me which I kind of believe but I don't think he'd do that to me. If he did, there would be too many people ganging up on him. My cousin says to breakup with him because he's basically a walking red flag. I just don't know. I don't want to give up because of assumptions. What I need to do is communicate with him. That shouldn't be hard right? Psych!

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