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You'd have to really know me to know that when I get upset at you, it's not at one thing you did. You'd have to do one thing after another in order for me to really b mad at you because I forgive people too much. And I'm tired of forgiving because then they get a break from me but when do I get a break from you? Now I know when I can be a pain in the ass. But about right now, I just don't want to talk to anyone. People are raising my temper. And if you see me about everyday and see that smile on my face, it's because I don't want to deal with anyone.

Today, I learned something. And to be completely honest, I don't care. But when I'm not informed of certain things by someone very close to me, it's kind of...questionable. Unless everyone needs to sit down and chat.

I don't want to go into detail because that's a waste. But at this point. I simply do not give a fuck.

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