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Happy (Belated) St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day people! Yes I realize I'm late but that's only because I wasn't on Wattpad yesterday like I am everyday. I was doing the dishes for about the entire day because I'm queen of procrastinating. Long story short, here's the chapter.

Guess what time it is! Time for you to get a watch! Just's story time!!!

So when I was in pre-k/kindergarten (it was one of those), my teachers took my class and I out for recess. They were like, "Alright kids, there are clovers on the ground that the leprechauns left. Can you all find them?" So my class and I, being about 4-6 years old began searching on the ground for clovers. When I found one, I got really excited. I was like, "Look! I found one!" Then I'd show them the clover and they'd say the leprechauns left them for us. We'd be so full of joy from the fun we had with finding tiny green clovers on the ground.

Now just remember that we were so young and didn't know if they were real. But now when I look back on the time, it brings me laughter because I now know that our teachers probably just bought some cheap little clovers and put them on the ground for us to find. Whether they did or not, I appreciated it because they cheered up our little innocent minds. It still amazes me how happy we got over the tiny little things but I guess they did matter to us.

I know that wasn't such a big story but I hope you all enjoyed it. Do you guys have any St. Paddy's Day memories? Welp, enjoy the rest of your celebration/day<(if you don't celebrate).

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