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Sexuality Talk

Okay guys. So I'm thinking that I should write this chapter just because I've thought about it a lot recently.

So, I don't know how many different sexual preferences there are but the only ones I know of are straight, gay, lesbian, and bisexual. Now, I actually know a few people who aren't into the opposite sex all the time, and I'm okay with that.

This is actually a very hard chapter to write...so from here on is going to be complete honest response.

So I honestly don't know how many Coming Out videos I've seen, but it's a lot. And I don't know how many people prefer to be with the same sex as them. But I know that I literally have nothing against them. It might be where I come from and/or what I was taught but my thought on sexuality has always been if you like this gender, then that's just who you are and I have no reason to be against you for that. I mean, it's not like God told us women that we're supposed to like men and vice-versa. I've just always thought that it was fine. Same thing goes for race. I think that's why I always have no interest in racism--because it honestly seems so stupid to dislike someone because of their race.

Anyway, I just saw Connor Franta's Coming Out video and I was touched. I remember finding out that Troye Sivan was gay and that some of my friends and family were either gay or bi. I remember finding out Jess Glynne had a girlfriend about a year or so back. I will never forget what Jess Glynne said. I'm not going to quote her because I don't remember what she said. But here's the best I could do:

Interviewer: So how do you identify yourself? Straight? Gay? Bi?

Jess: I don't think-like I don't know. It's just whatever. I don't feel like I need to put a name on what I am-

Interviewer (interrupting): Just love is love right?

Jess: Love, it is so weird you know. The industry is just so fixated on kind of "Oh my God he's gay" or "Oh my God she's gay" or lesbian, lalalalala and for me, it's just you know what there was the first girl I've ever fallen in love with. You know, I've been in relationships with guys who are you know before that and you know, I just think I fell in love with the person and now I guess I'm in headrest like whoever I fall in love with is who I fall in love with...

Jess: I just don't think it's an necessity to sit there and put a label on yourself...

So, that's basically what she said and that actually stuck to me. I remember my mom asking me what I thought about sexuality and peoples' preferences. I just told her that if you like someone of the same sex or opposite, I have nothing against you because that's just who you are.

I don't know what else to say. I mean, that's just my opinion.

Oh wait, I remember this huge discussion that my class and I were having. It was so shocking to hear that pretty much every boy in my class said that if their future son was gay, they'd be upset and beat him up but if they had a daughter, they'd be fine with her being a lesbian. I cannot tell you how shocked I was. I mean it just didn't make sense to me. It was shocking to hear that every girl said they'd be fine with their future son and/or daughter preferring the same or opposite sex. I seriously don't understand why guys are so against other guys being gay.

I know that my friends have some trouble with people accepting them because that's just how people have built our society, which is terrible. But who am I tell you to accept them. I can't control your opinion nor your mind. I just think it's kind of odd.

Now me, I bet you all are wondering. Well, I don't necessarily feel the need to label myself either. I mean at this point in my life, I am attracted to guys. Do I know if that will change? No, not at all. I don't know if I'll marry a guy or a girl. But whomever I chose is my preference and no one can stop me from being who I am or stop me from having an opinion.

So what do you guys think? I would say don't say anything negative but I really want to know your thinking.

Special shout out to:

-Jess Glynne

-Troye Sivan

-Mackelmore (for his song)

-Sam Smith

-Amandla Stenberg

-Rowan Blanchard

-Vanessa Carlton


-Lady Gaga

-Miley Cyrus


-Zachary Quinto

-Ellen Page

-Queen Latifah

-Ellen DeGeneres

-Jonathan Bennett

-Tyler Oakley

-Pano T

-Joey Graceffa

-my friends/family

-ANNNNNNDDDDD...this list could go on FOREVERRRR!!!!!!!! 


Okay, I forgot to include people who are transgender, asexual, queer, being a drag queen, etc. Everything I said before goes with these "categories," if you will (even though I don't prefer that word). You are who you are and I can't nor will I try to change you.

I just realized this is a really long chapter compared to my others. 

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