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I can't believe I actually just unpublished The Problem With Us and Secret Stalker. I put so much work into those two books and now no one can read those pieces of crap. I'm almost tempted to unpublish Drunk Tattoos but I know at least one person will be very mad about that. So I won't. Not yet.

I want to start a new book. I don't want to have this account. I want to start all over. Start fresh. But I won't. It took me too long to get this many followers (as sad as that may be lol). I've worked too hard.

I want to keep writing. Without being discouraged or without wondering if others like my book. Who cares? (No offense) But if it's my book, why should I care what others think? I want to write and that's all I want to do right now. I want to write...and dance.

I've been reading Perfect Illusion and I can't believe that I stopped reading and writing books for like a month. When I tried to publish my last chapter (so far) in Drunk Tattoos, I probably sat staring at the screen for...who knows how long wondering why I couldn't write. Why I wasn't typing. I had been so caught up in trying to get people interested that I ignored what was most important. For that, I feel kind of sad. But I want to keep writing. I want to start fresh. So...please, anyone. I'm going to unpublish Drunk Tattoos. I just thought about it. I want to. I almost want to unpublish this book but that'd be deleting my thoughts...if you know what I mean, if it makes sense.

Anyone, this will probably be my last time saying this, but if you don't want me to delete Drunk Tattoos, let me know. Until then, my cursor is hovering over the UNPUBLISH button.

It's time for a new book people. Oh! Read 'Perfect Illusion'! And 'Netflix and My Neighbor'!

The song above is currently my favorite song which says a lot considering I don't have favorites for anything.

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