Chapter 25: The Mafia Of Mine

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There were so many things I was good at. I could assemble guns, I could shoot pretty damn good. I was also pretty good at hand to hand combat that even Athena the tactical goddess would envy me. I was good at so many fucking things but the hardest thing for me aside from cooking was APOLOGIZING nope....just nope. I have never apologized my entire life and to do it now makes me irritated and nervous all at the same time. So here I am being pushed on a wheel chair as I approached the back balcony where the Mafia of Mine was. Just as we were approaching I realized I didn't really know how to do a proper apology....

"I am a douche bag" really Dani that's the best you could think of after 30 minutes of planning out how this goes that's what you say? For fucks sake!

"I am a douche bag" really Dani that's the best you could think of after 30 minutes of planning out how this goes that's what you say? For fucks sake!

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"Tell me something I don't fucking know Shaw" he's scoffed. Oh so we were on last name basis now. Luca could be such a baby. With a cigarette in between his lips he leaned against the balcony. I shrugged he had a point. I thought guys didn't value the sentimental pride of something as valuable as the v-card. Apparently they do and Luca was having a little man tantrum about it. I scowled at the cigarette and took it from in between his lips crushing it with my boot clad foot

"I'm sorry alright I didn't fucking know, it was- Hunter could you please fucking leave" I demanded seeing him nod every once in a while to the words I was saying, I had asked him to push the wheel chair whilst I gathered my wits. He rolled his eyes but left without a word "It was fantastic for me too...I know you'd think I'm only saying this because I got you upset but it's the truth. You make me fucking happy and I'm glad that you were my first and I was yours...for fucks sake I'm a 21 year old virgin and you're 25 for gods sake. Niccolo couldn't make me do it and I won't deny that. Can you just stop being so dramatic and put this past us?"

Great get mad at him as if he isn't mad enough.

"Look Shaw. I let you take control of my life because I fucking love you! You think I act this way, I wouldn't bat an eyelash if someone was dying in front of me right now but just the thought of you getting hurt makes me want to murder anyone who dared to touch you. Then you stand in front of me and say you fucking love me? I don't know if you're capable of love Dani! Because I know deep inside Niccolo Toledo still holds a place in your heart and it fucking hurts!" He screamed out in pure rage...he'd definitely gotten something to drink, it was evident in his breath and his actions. I knew of Luca's rath. I've heard stories about him. In fact I feared him on some level but the Luca he showed me was far from ruthless.

"You don't know shit Luca. Niccolo is-"

"Dani shut the fuck up" he cut me off....damn...well that was surprising I had gotten so used to calm, protective and kind Luca that I forgot he was the same ruthless Mafia Luca Clemente that is supposedly head over asshole in love with me. My lips shit at their own accord and I felt like a child being told off. No one in their right mind has ever dared told me to shut the fuck up and now that it's finally happening...I'm speechless. I must've really gotten him mad

"I'm sorry alright. It was stupid of me but last night was the best fucking thing to ever happen to me. Last night made the four years of haze become a fuzzy memory. Last night made the gun shot sounds into melodies. Last night made me thank Niccolo for shooting me. Last night made me realize you're the only one meant for me Luca Clemente and for the record I'm not Miss Shaw! I'm Mrs. Clemente" every single bit of it was true I was hungover by an ex who tried to kill me. I was just too damn scared to admit my feelings to myself and to him as well. I'm a stubborn ass I'm not afraid to accept that.

"Ahem....I know I'm interrupting something here but for the love of god we have a code motherfucking rainbow on the vicinity." Danny said frantically as he started tossing guns at us. He threw me a double barrel while he threw Luca a mini pistol. I rolled my eyes and gave Luca the double barrel when I saw him scowl at the puny gun. I guess Danny was in a rush

"We have no code rainbow.....Danny? What the fuck is going on?" I asked rushing to the vase that held even more ammunition. This was my house literally every corner of this house had a gun in case of emergencies like this, but as of now I don't even know what we're up against until it came knocking at the door.

This Wretch

"Hello Darling" that voice just made me want to hurl and shove bullets down my fucking throat. Cynthia Costello was one of my biggest mistakes. I should've shot that bitch dead when I saw her running away. I should've fucking known Niccolo never wanted me....he wanted my position.

"Leave before I make you" the venom was thick in Luca's voice that I had to look at him to make sure that it was indeed him beside me. His face was so determined as he held the gun beside him so tight that his knuckles were so pale. I gently held his arm as I moved in front of him. God I'm still fucking sore can life please calm the fuck down! First the best sex of my life, then a tantrum from Luca and now this...c'mon give me a break!

"What do you fucking want?" I asked cocking the gun I held and aimed it loosely on her head. I could pull the trigger right now but what's the fun in that? I smirked at her already murdering the bitch in my head.

"A lot of things dear but right now I only came to send a warning" she chuckled nasally turning her back almost as she were about to leave but in a swift motion before any of us could think of it she had pulled out a gun from her purse and sent a bullet flying towards us hitting Danny at his shoulder while me and Luca dropped to the floor  in attempts to dodge the rain of bullets.

"A lot of things dear but right now I only came to send a warning" she chuckled nasally turning her back almost as she were about to leave but in a swift motion before any of us could think of it she had pulled out a gun from her purse and sent a ...

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<<Cynthia Costello>>

"Motherfucker!" I yelled standing up once I saw her scampering away "take care of Danny" I yelled over to Luca but he held on to my wrist

"You still have a bullet in your fucking head stay here and let me take care of it!" Before I could comment on anything he was already running after her. Well what the fuck was I given a gun for then?! Ugh!!

"Well c'mon then Danny get the fuck up. It's a bullet to the shoulder not the temple" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I was truly pissed. I wanted to gun that bitch down buuuuttttt nooooo I had bullet in my temple. I'd put a bullet in his fucking temple!

That's it! I'm getting this bullet out!

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