Version 2 Chapter 1

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Originally Posted: June 13th, 2013 

(A/N Don't you love that new story smell?? Anywho lovelies read on, sorry there's no results this time~)

It was never a question of whether or not your world would end. It was the question if it would end at human hands or at the hands of forces beyond human control. Your eyes watched the streets with the age old wisdom that sages seemed to always possess. You just didn't have the gray hair or a fancy hat to add to said mystique. From this floor though, you were literally at the top of a world which was on the highway to hell.

You were (Name) Richmond, a name which would go down in history. Sadly you knew that had been written about you would be that you were born into a rich life and were raised accordingly by your family. None of them would know stories of your befriending the servants, donations to charities, or even any basic scrap of the person you considered yourself to be. No. Instead they would rather write more about a spoiled heiress who had been handed everything in life, yet was still prone to act out whenever possible, someone who discarded the family name and cursed the family. Well that was what these other realms would know you by if the people who found the rubble of this world couldn't distinguish history books from tabloid magazines.

You let out a soft sigh. People made their own conclusions about you before you could even open your mouth. These same people now risked their lives in the streets for basic supplies, while shadows flickering in the walls watched their every step. In all fairness the shadows did have eyes, golden eyes which missed no motion, no subtle movement. Eyes that were trained to the chest, not for their perverse enjoyment, no you had a feeling that the golden eyes did not suffer from human impulses...

Even so far above the ground as you were the shadows still managed to make their way into the suite which had been your home for your parent's latest business trip. For now specialized bullets developed by scientists at your family's lab managed to hold the bugs off. For now. It was the after part that you were worried about. How long until all the scientists had their heart stolen from their chests, how long until the bullets became as useful as bullets of anyone on the streets, how long until you would watch your own heart fade away? Hearts, you leaned, looked like a glowing gem. You figured that you wouldn't have to wait too long for your impending death. It had only been half a week and cities were on their knees begging for mercy, offering gifts and donations to shadowy beings that had no use for such things. It was pathetic if you were being honest.

But you were like a princess stuck in a tower, what could you do?

If this was the case the world was going to hell, and you realized you made a terrible princess. You weren't even worthy of being dubbed a damsel in distress. You were just getting bored, you weren't sure how you could watch all these lives, human lives, being stripped from them by shadowy claws, but you could. Maybe this made you a sociopath. Or maybe it was because this same dream haunted you for a month. All your tears had already been shed. All the deceased would've already been tended to in according to their final wishes. All that made up the life of (Name) Richmond had already been destroyed.

And so for now you went by (Name).

"(Name), (Name) ! What're you sleeping in class again?" The voice of your latest 'friend' reached your ears.

"I was not." You huff before pulling your head off the desk. Of course from the small yawn you let out it was obvious that you'd lied. Focusing on lessons in class had gotten more and more difficult for you lately. Ever since you got to Middangeard your perfect grades had literally dropped below sea level. And as corny as that joke was you thought it did pretty well of presenting the mediocrity that your life had become.

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