Version 3 Chapter 6

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Originally Published: April 25th, 2014 

"What happened? Where am I?!" You bolted upwards, realizing that you were back in the room from last time. You let out a small sigh when you recognized the color scheme of the walls around you. You noted that your bangs were plastered to your forehead with sweat and the rest of your body wasn't in much better of a condition.

"Relax Miss (Name). You are in much of a condition to move around anyways," Ansem's cool voice reached you.

"Why am I here again?" You asked the man, furrowing your brows slightly as you did so.

"You've been in a coma-"

"A COMA?!"

"for a few days-"


"but I'm relieved to see that you already have so much energy." He rolled his eyes at all your interruptions, though you were just trying and failing at keeping your jaw from coming completely unhinged as it was.

"I mean, I'm sure everyone says this but it feels like I was just out for a few hours."

"Do you remember anything you saw perhaps?"

"What you want to psychoanalyze me? Sorry pops, I've got nothing." It had just been one dark blur, you couldn't explain what had happened to him if you wanted to.

"I see... I suggest that you stay here for a while longer to recover." He typed some things into that fancy little holographic iPad of his or whatever they called it in this world.

"Do I have to?" You asked, not caring if you seemed like a child. You had no idea how you would even begin to deal with being cooped up in this stuffy infirmary.

"Of course, we wouldn't want you to have a fainting spell like that again."

And thus you were stuck in the infirmary for a few more days.



"I'M GLAD I'M ALIVE TOO, YUFFIE!" You laughed at the female ninja. It'd been about a day since you woke up, and you were allowed some visitors that were actually visiting through a computer. Though the girl did more than enough to amuse you over the time of your stay, you were sure that she'd keep you entertained.

"Don't scare us like that again, yo!" Reno shook his head.

"Did they ever find out what caused it?" Aerith asked softly.

You just shook your head "No, though I'm not particularly concerned." Maybe it had just been some sort of mental breakdown after everything that happened on Earth- you couldn't say anything for sure.

"What if it happens again?" Aerith's lips curled down in a frown.

"You should still be careful!" Tifa scolded, putting her hands on her right hip, the other side was connected to the couch's arm. Unlike your tiny camera which was connected to a laptop, theirs was like a webcam connected to their tv or something of that sort. So you could see a lot more of them than what they could see of you.

"Tifa, she's still recovering" Cloud said in a brotherly tone of voice. He was one of the people actually seated for this.

"Cut her some slack." Zack chirped. He wasn't sitting on the couch itself, but rather leaning against the back of it, besides Reno.

"Oh I wish I could come there to help." Aerith frowned. You just tilted your head. "Oh right, I practice white magic."

"Oh, that's used to heal people right?" You asked, you think you remembered hearing about that sometime in your studies here at Middangeard, a day that you were actually awake for. One of those very rare instances at least.

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