Escape 101

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(Scars POV)

I woke up in a dark room to the people yelling from what I think was upstairs. The only light cane from the stair pathway. "Help!" I screamed, "Please someone heplp me!" A few moments later, I heard footsteps coming my way. Then they stopped. I looked up to see a dark shadow by the stairs. "Please let me go! What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" I scaremed to the shadow in front of me. "Hush now baby," a deep voice said, "We won't hurt you unless you disobey our orders." What does he mean by 'our'? Wait, there's more of him! "Please let me go!" I screamed trying to break the tape around my feet and hands. "I don't even know who you are! Please," I said getting quiet at the end. He chuckled, "All will be explained upstairs. Hayes! Come down here and untie her, and Nash, you bring her up." I young boy with bright blue eyes came and untied me. He looked about 15 yrs old. Not even a second later, another boy with bright blues eyes picked me up bridal style and started walking up the stairs. This one was older. He looked about 18. "Hi! I'm Nash." He said making eye contact. "Scarlet, but people call me Scar." I said. I looked into his eyes. They look kind and guilty at the same time. "They're beautiful!" I said out loud. "What is?" He asked. Oh, did I say that out loud. Sorry!" I say turning red, "Its just, I have never seen such blue eyes before." He giggles, "Thanks!" I smile. Once we got upstairs, Nash set me down and gathered on the couch with 9 other boys and a little girl. She ran up to me. "Hi! I'm Skylynn!" She says. I smile and get on my knees. "Nice to meet you Skylynn! I'm Scarlet, but people call me Scar." I respond. "That is a beautiful name!" She says. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl!" One of the boys says in the background. "Hayes, take Sky upstairs. We need to talk to Scar for a minute." Nash said. "Bye!" Skylynn says smiling. I wave goodbye. Once I can't see her anymore, I stand up and say, "I need answers, NOW!" A boy with dark hair and dark brown eyes comes up to me. "Feisty, I like it!" He said only inches in between our faces. I push him away. "Back off!" I say in anger. Some 'oo's and 'ahh's went around the room. I looked at the boys but couldn't stop looking at one of them. He had blode hair and looked about 18 years old. We held eye contact for a minute or so then he smiled and looked down. My eyes scanned the room for a way out. I saw the front door was unlocked so I ran for it. Once I reached the door, I opened it and ran as fast as I could. I ran through the forest and past loads of trees. It was like the never ending forest. It never ended. Once I got far enough, I found a good tree, and climbed it. I sat up high on a branch. A few seconds later, I noticed a camera in a tree close by. "Oh no!" I said. When I said that, I fell off the branch and landed in someone's arms. It looked like the blonde boy but I couldn't tell. I slowly dozed off in pain.

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