I'm Sorry, Nash

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(Scars POV)

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. I followed the smell to the kitchen to see Lainey cooking breakfast. "Morning!" She said, cheerfully. I smiled and sat down. After breakfast was ready, Lainey called all the boys down to eat. Once everyone was sitting down and eating, they started up on their own conversations. While they did so, I thought about my dream last night. I kept thinking until I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone calling my name. I looked up and see everyone with a worried face. "Are you okay, Scar?" The boy with blue eyes asked. I nodded and looked back down. "Well, since you don't remember us, we should reintroduce ourselves. I'm Shawn. That's Lainey, Marlena, Carley, Carter, Cameron, Taylor, Jack J, Jack G, Aaron, Matt, and Nash." Shawn said. I nodded to say I understood, then headed upstairs. I can't get that dream out of my head! What was my life like before I got amnesia? Did I have a boyfriend, well I must have because of the dream! I just can't stop thinking about it!


a/n= Its the chapter, The Set Up. I'm too lazy to write it again so if ya wanna know the dream, go back to the chapter called, The Set Up. Love ya peeps!

(End dream/memory/flashback)

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said. Nash walked in and sat beside me on my bed. "Scarlet, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. 'This is awkward!' I thought to myself. Nash held my face in his hands. We just sat there, staring into each others eyes. Next thing I know, his lips are on mine. It felt right but yet so wrong! When I didn't kiss back, Nash pulled away. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nash I, I don't feel that way about you anymore. I've had some flashbacks of us but I don't feel the same way I did. I'm so sorry!" I said. He had heartbreak written all over him. He nodded and left. I felt so bad but knew it was the right thing to do instead of lying to him, that'd be worse!

(Nash's POV)

After I left Scars room, I went straight to mine. I am so heartbroken. At least she didn't lie and lead me on but still, it really hurts! I thought she was the one, there is still a chance she is but possibly no. I miss her already.


a/n= Awe! Poor Nash! Well, please comment below what ya think so far. Love ya peeps! Bye!💙

Yo pal,

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