Games Gone Wrong

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(Scars POV)

A few hours later, it started to get really cold so everyone agreed on going in. We all went upstairs and changed into our PJ's. (Scars PJs at top) After that, everyone gathered around the living room couch. "So, what now?" I asked tiredly. "Let's play Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Taylor screamed. "Or truth or dare!" Jack G screamed. "Let's watch a movie!" Another said. "How about we let Scar pick since she's the newbie?" Aaron asked. They nodded in agreement. "Um... How about we play 7mins in heaven, then truth or dare, and to end the night we watch a movie?" "Yeah! I like that idea!" Matt said. "Okay, everyone write your name on a piece of paper then fold it and put it in the hat." Cameron said. Everyone did as told. "Now, who's going fir..." Before he could finish his sentence, Jack J screamed, "ME!" I laughed. "Okay Johnson, draw a name?" Shawn said passing the hat to him. Jack J pulled out a small piece of paper and read it out loud. "Shawn...." His voice trailed. The look on Shawn's face was price less! I couldn't stop laughing. Taylor locked them in a closet and said, "We're counting!" "Count fast!" I heard Shawn say which made me laugh even more. Just to mess with them, we left them there for 25 minutes! After letting them out, I was still laughing I until I saw an evil smirk on Shawn's face. "Ugh oh!" I said. Marlena looked at me with a questioning look until she saw Shawn's face. "R.I.P Scar!" She whispered to me. I smiled at her comment. "Scar, your turn!" Shawn said still smirking. I shrugged, "Okay." I stuck my hand in and grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. I slowly in folded it to see the name,


Matt looked down as Nash smiled and got up. He grabbed my hand and led me to the closet. Once we got in there, he pulled out his phone and put on a recording of people making out. He turned the speaker up all the way while we stayed quiet, trying not to laugh. After about 5 mins, all boys opened the door. "Okay lovebi...." Shawn said but stopped realizing it was a recording. Nash and I both start laughing our butts off. "Oh the looks on your faces though!" I said, rolling around on the ground. Nash laughed so hard he fell backwards and hit the wall. "Ow, hahaha! He said still laughing. After a few second, we both finally stopped and went back to the game. A little while later, we ended up with Lainey and Aaron becoming a couple, and Matt getting mad at me. It was just a prank for crying out loud! A few seconds ago, Matt decided to cancel our date in front of everyone. I felt a tear fall down my face as he said those words I never thought he would. I wanted to run out crying but had to be strong. "I think I'm gonna got to bed guys. I'm really tired!" I whispered to everyone before jogging upstairs and slamming my door. I ra. To me bed and slammed my face into my pillow. How can I be this upset about someone I just met? I just can't believe he did that to me! In front of everyone! What a jerk move!!!

(Nash's POV)

"We'll go check on her!" Lainey said with Marlena following her. "Dude," I said to Matt, "You didn't have to do that! It wasn't her fault! I'm the one who put the video on not her!" Mate shook his head. "Scarlet is a great girl and you just broke her heart in front of everyone because of a prank I pulled! At least we didn't actually kiss! That would hurt you just like you just hurt her! Why'd you do that man? She is an amazing, kind, smart, beautiful girl and you just let her go!" I yelled even louder. "If she's so great, why don't you ask her out?" He asked in anger. "Because she likes you!" I responded. "Don't you understand? I was gonna ask her out until I found out you did and she said yes." I said getting quiet at the end. "Well she's all yours now! I don't want that stupid, childish girl!" He yelled. I looked up to see Lainey, Marlena, and Scar standing at the top of the stairs. "How could you?" Scar asked Matt with teas running down her face. "I thought you were a better person than that! I stand corrected!" She yells to Matt. "That is exactly what you are though!" Matt said. "You're just a stupid, childish, girl who's looking for attention!" That's it! Before I knew it, my fist hit Matt square in the jaw. "Don't you ever talk about her like that again!" I scream at him. I look up to see the girls taking Scar back to her room. Before they go, she runs to me and gives me a big hug. "Thank you!" She says. I smile, "Anything for you!" She let go and then ran off with the other girls. Already I miss her warm touch.

(Scars POV)

I let go of Nash and ran off to my room with the other girls. It was sweet for him to stand up for me. And to think I was coming downstairs to talk to Matt. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Matt was just a fake nice guy who wanted a girl. Why would anyone want me anyways? I'm just a normal girl. Ya know, your average 17 year old girl. There's nothing special about me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Marlene's hand waving in front of my face. "Oh, sorry. Just thinking." I said looking up. "You okay?" She asked. I nodded. "At least it ended now. If it ended later, well that would've been worse. At least now I know what kind of guy Matt is!" Then there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. In walked in Nash. "Hey, um Scar, can I talk to you for a sec? Alone...." His voice trailed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah! Um girls?" They got up. "We'll be downstairs with the others if you need us." Lainey said, dragging Marlena with her and shutting the door. "Did you mean all those things you said down there?" I asked. Nash came and sat by me in the bed. He nodded as an answer. "Thank you! No one has ever said or done anything like that for me before!" I said, pulling Nash into a tight hug. He hugged back. "Anything for you!" He said. "Um, I know you just broke things off with Matt, but if you ugh, if you e-ever need anything, I'll always be t-there! I promise!" He said pulling away from me. "Yeah, thanks again!" I said. "Now we should probably go back to the others." Nash nodded. "I'll be down in a sec. I have to do something first." I said and with that, Nash left and joined the others. I went into the bathroom connected to my room and dried my tears with a hand towel. Once I looked better, I left my room and started down the stairs. While walking, I missed a step and almost fell until I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I turn around to see Cameron. "T-thanks Cam!" I slightly smiled. He returned a smile. "I was about to get you when I see you walking down the stairs. Everyone's watching a movie in the living room. Wanna join us?" Cam asked. I nodded. We both walked into the living room to see everyone bundled together around the TV. I went and sat in between Nash and Taylor on the couch. We watched random movies and I ended up falling asleep with my head on Nash's lap and legs on Taylor's. I feel a lot better now.

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