The Date

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(Gilinskys POV)

That night I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about the magical kiss I had with Scarlet. What should I do for the date tomorrow night? Maybe I'll get an idea in the morning. I really should go to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow!

(Scars POV)

Its hard to fall asleep when you have a date the next day with such a sweet, smart, and handsome guy like Jack. I wonder what he's planning? Hmmmmm....

(Next day, in morning)

(Jack Gs POV)

"That's it!" I yelled. I had a dream last night of the perfect date to have with Scar! She'll love it, in just know it! A few seconds later, Jack J rushed into my room. "What's wrong? I heard you scream!" He says. "Go get dressed! I'm gonna need your help to set up the date I have planned with Scarlet tonight!" I said while running to my closet and getting dressed. I turned around to see Jack J standing there confused. "We don't have all day! Go get dressed!" I yelled with a smile. He ran out. *Sigh* She's gonna love it! Well, I hope!

(Scars POV)

I awoke from my deep slumber to the smell of breakfast. "Yum!" I thought. I quickly got out of bed and took a fast shower. After that, I changed into white shorts and a black tank which said, 'normal is boring'. After getting dressed, I walked out of my bathroom to find a card on my bedside table with my phone. I picked it up after putting my phone in my pocket and it read:

I won't be home today but I'll see ya tonight. I'll pick ya up at your door! Heres a kiss from the one and only, Jack Gilinsky.


Glued to the note was a Hershey's kiss. I giggled at this. After that, I went downstairs and ate breakfast. For the rest of the time remaining, I sat on the couch and watched TV with Taylor, Matt, Aaron, and Lainey. Everyone else was off somewhere. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Well, Cameron is having a lunch date with his girlfriend, Shawn and Marlena are at the movies for a date, and who knows where everyone else is!" Taylor answered. I nodded. "Who's Cameron's gf?" I asked out of curiosity. "Names Carley. How they met, well they bumped into each other on the sidewalk and she accidentally spilt his coffee all over his white shirt. She asked how she could repay him and he said and I quote, 'Go on a date with me tomorrow night. I'll pick ya up at 7pm!' And that's how it started." Aaron said. "Hmmm... Interesting!" I said.

(Later that night)

After changing into a nice dress (pic above) and heels and finishing my hair, I sat down on my bed and went on Instagram and just looked through new post. I then heard a knock on my door. "It's time!" I told myself. I got up and opened the door. "Hello Ja..." I stopped in mid sentence. Where's Jack? I looked down and found a note. It read:

Follow the rose petals, beautiful!
-Jack G.

I blushed at this and did as told. They led me down the stairs, through the livingroom, and to the back door. "Let me open that for you, malady!" Carter said opening the door. "Thank you?" I said with question. I walked out and he closed it behind me. "Wow!" I said as I saw the see up for the date. "You like it?" A voice behind me asked. I nod. Then I turn around to see Jack G in a tux. "You look very handsome tonight!" I said. "You're not so bad yourself!" He responded. I blushed. "May I escort you to our tablenfor two?" He asked. I nodded as he took my hand. Once we sat down, I looked at the sunset. "Wow! The sky is beautiful!" I said. "Not as beautiful as you!" Jack said which made me blush. "He's right ya know!" Jack J said which made me blush even more. I looked up at him. "What would you two like to drink?" He asked. "What do you have?" I asked. "Let's see, water, coke, Dr pepper, and sprite." He answered. "Water please!" I said. "Sprite please!" Jack G also said. "That'll be right up!" He said walking away. Then Jack and I small talked and got to know each other better. "Good evening! My name is Matt and I will be your waiter today. May I take your order?" Matt said handing us our drinks and passing us menus. "Ummm..." I said looking at the menu. All it had was Pizza or Chicken nuggets. I laughed at this. "Pizza please!" I said. "Okay, Jack?" Mate asked. "Same!" He said. "Okay!" He said walking away. "Did you plan all this?" I asked Jack as I laughed. He nodded as a yes. We both were laughing now. After we finished eating, Jack walked me up to my room. "I had a good time tonight! Thank you, for everything!" I told Jack. He smiled, "Anything for you!" Before I knew it, we were both leaning in. Our lips touched and moved in sync. Jack pulled me close. As I had my arms wrapped around his neck, he had his around my waist. We stayed like that for a good, I don't know, 3mins. "Scar, I um, I think I love you!" What did he say! "I, I ugh, I don't know how I feel right now." I responded. He nodded. After that, I went to bed and thought about it. How do I feel about Jack? Do I still like Nash? Am I in love with one of them? I fell asleep trying to figure out how I felt.

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