Loved By Two

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a/n= I love the pic above so damn much! Sorry, had to say that! Love ya peeps! 😘

Yo pal,

(Scars POV)

I woke up the next day and my legs hurt from the walk last night with Taylor. I got up and changed into short jean shorts and a teal under shirt. I pulled my hair up in a near pony tail and brushed my teeth. While grabbing my phone, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. In walked in Skylynn and Hayes. "Oh, hey! I haven't seen you guys in a while! What's up?" I said, smiling after I hugged them. "The boys wanted us to tell you we are having guest tonight. Ethan and Grayson Dolan and one of their friends who we don't know the name of!" Hayes said. "Okay, I'm gonna go downstairs! Shall we?" I asked, picking Sky up and hooking my free arm with Hayes'. They smiled as we skipped to the stairs. Once we made it there, Hayes walked down with Skylynn as I followed behind. I looked at the couch and saw all the boys laying around it. Some were on their phones and others watching TV. Although, Shawn and Marlena were taking selfies and Cameron and Carley were making silly faces at each other. "Where's Lainey and Shawn?" I asked Nash. He just ignored me as Carter said, "Out doing something. They'll be home soon, I think!" Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as a head layed on my shoulder. I smiled and giggled as I turned my head and kissed Taylors cheek. "You missed!" He said. I giggled even more and placed a soft kiss on his warm lips. Nash groaned and left to his room. "What's up with him?" I asked. I heard some 'I don't know's go around the room. "I'll be right back! I'm gonna go see what his problem is!" I said, heading up the stairs. Once I got to the top, I walked down the hall and stoped at Nash's door. I softly knocked. No answer. "Ugh!" I groaned. I walked in to see Nash on his bed. "Why have you been packing this way? What's wrong?" I said. "Get out of my room!" He said, getting angry. "Not until you answer my question! Why are you acting this way?" I yelled. He stood up and walked over to me I backed up until I hot the wall. His face was now only inches from mine with his body pressing mine to the wall. "You wanna know what's wrong? What's wrong is that I love you and always have! What's wrong I so can't stop thinking about you 24/7! What's wrong is that last night I found out you and Taylor are dating and I think, no, I know you and I are meant to be!" He yelled at me. I was shocked at all he was saying. "I'm always thinking of you! Trying to find a way to win your heart, to get you back! I miss your warm touch! The way it felt when you and I would cuddle! You're perfect to me! The way your hair falls down on its own, the way your beautiful eyes light up when you're happy, your gorgeous smile, and those lips, those lips...." He said getting quiet at the end. Next thing I know, we're both leaning in. I close my eyes right before our lips meet. This kiss was perfect, passionate, true! It felt the same way with Taylor just different at the sane time! Then it popped into my head, TAYLOR! I shoved Nash away from me and covered my lips. "I'm sorry Nash but I'm dating Taylor! You're just gonna have to accept that sooner or later!" I said, walking out of his room and to mine. What am I gonna do?!

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