Chapter 1

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Lexis POV
Kaden is the boy in the picture...

The thing they don't teach you in school, is not to fall for the bad boys. You know the boys that every girl drools over because they are hot, cute and are usually good at sports. They're best game however is getting girls to fall in love with them. They are the ones with the pearly white teeth, popping eye color and great hair. They are almost always tall and they are surrounded by friends both guy and girl.

I was considered exceptional. I sure as hell wasn't the best looking but I wasn't the worst looking either. I was 5'10, blonde with blue eyes and a size 3.

Our school was divided into three main groups, the popular group, the middle group and the unpopular group.

The popular group was of course  at the top, the girls were all size 2 at maximum, with big boobs and they were gorgeous. They were also bitches, every single one of them. The guys were all players, ripped, tall and good at sports.

The middle group, we were the average people. The ones who were cute and nice but not quite up to popular standers. 

The unpopular group, well I just felt bad for them, they were the ones with terrible acne and bad breath. They were shy and not very smart. They got eaten alive by the popular group.

I was at the very top of the middle group, almost in the popular group. I had had boyfriends before, but the boy I was chasing now was above my league. We were both seniors but he was at the top of the popular group. 

His name was Kaden Vaughn. He was the ultimate bad boy, he was 6'3 with brown hair and chocolate eyes. He was the captain of the baseball team.

I had a white crop top on with blue jean shorts that couldn't be any shorter. I had on white converse and  I had a dash of makeup on too, just some eyeliner, mascara and lip stick. I hoped he would notice me. I looked his direction and Kelsey was hanging on him again. God why didn't she just ask him out already. She was always flirting with him and hanging on him.  He was with a group of his guy friends, including his best friend Oliver Huff, who also happen to be my brother. There were a few girls encircled with them. Some were the girlfriends of Kadens friends, while others wanted to be girlfriends. One of his friends made him laugh and he threw his head back. I found myself starring at his perfect white teeth. I continued starring at him until his eyes caught mine. I held his gaze for about three seconds before he broke it with a smirk. God he was an asshole of all the people in the school why did I have to fall for the baddest of the bad boys.

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