Chapter 20

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Sam's POV

"Oliver, I need to shower." I laughed.

"Want my help, you may not be able to reach everywhere with that big tummy." He teased.

"Hey, number one, I'm not that big yet, am I?" I paused, before continuing. "Number two, this is your son or daughter, sir."

"I know, I know." He said, faking exasperation.

"You better be nice to them." I said slapping his chest.

"You know I will! I might be to nice, they might be spoiled." He cooed while, putting his hands on my stomach.

"Oh I know they'll be spoiled." I chuckled.

"Hey little princess, it's your daddy speaking. I can't wait to see you for the first time. Of course I've seen you in black and white pictures but I can't wait to see you in all your glory. I wonder if you'll have your mommy's hazel eyes or your daddy's blue eyes?" Oliver spoke to my stomach.

I sniffed.

"Hey what's wrong, sweetheart?" Oliver cooed, wrapping his arms around me and linking his hands around the back of my head.

"It's just so nice to see you so excited about her, I'm so lucky. Most high school guys wouldn't stay with some stupid girl they knocked up." I whispered.

"Hey, don't say knocked up. I don't like that meaning. You didn't get knocked up, you got pregnant. Yes, we didn't intentionally get pregnant but, I wouldn't change it for the world." Oliver says.

"Really? If you could go back in time you would still have sex with me, even knowing that I would get pregnant. You would still be my boyfriend if you knew it would end like this." I asked.

"Oh, it's not the end, not even close. Yes, I would get you pregnant again, you know why? Because you and I are in love, I love you, you love me. The little princess growing inside of you was made with love and, I love her more than I could ever imagine." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered. "I have a surprise for you."

"What?" Oliver asked, sounding like a child on Christmas.

"Come to the shower and you'll see." I said in a seductive voice.

"Sounds like a nice surprise." Oliver growled lowly.

I walked to the bathroom, swaying my hips on purpose. I felt him trail closely behind me. I turned around once we were in his bathroom and pulled my shirt off slowly. He closed the door and locked it while leaning against it. I slipped my hands to my hips and tugged my leggings down, leaving me in only my bra and underwear. I smirked at him as he closed his eyes.

"Awwww is Oliver to tempted." I teased.

His eyes opened and they were a shade darker with lust. He stalked over to me and circled around me like a predator with its prey. He stopped behind me and pulled me to him. My bare back was pressed to his shirt covered chest.

"I'm very tempted, I just don't want to hurt you sweetheart. I have to control myself." He whispered in my ear.

I sucked in a breath, he was really turning me on. I turned around and pulled his shirt over his head, running my hands down his sculpted chest, past his eight pack and all the way down to his v-line.

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