Chapter 19

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FYI, that is Sam and Oliver in the picture above.

Lexis POV

I watched as Calix shifted uncomfortably, Oliver was literally just glaring at him while everyone else was silent.

Kaden cleared his throat,  "ummm, I have to go." He kissed my cheek and began to walk to the door, I followed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Nowhere important." He started coughing harshly.

"Oh god, are you okay? Are you sick?" I asked, concerned.

"No, no, I'm alright lex. Just choked on my saliva." He chuckled.  He smiled at me but, it didn't reach his eyes and I knew it was fake. I could tell that something was up with him. He just seemed off, he had been slightly distant and just not himself for the past couple weeks. I wonder if I did something.

"Lex?" His voice broke my train of thought. "I'm gonna go okay? I'll see you at school on Monday." My face soured at his words.

"Monday? It's Saturday morning. Why aren't you gonna come over tomorrow? Or later today?" I asked. I wasn't trying to be a clinging annoying girlfriend but, generally he would spend as much time as possible over at our house. Between me and Oliver he was here more than he was at his own house.

"I'm just busy," he snapped.

"Okay. I'll see you Monday then." I said sounding defeated. I was slightly hurt at his sudden outburst.

He looked at me and shifted his SnapBack. I glared at him, also wondering why he just randomly started wearing hats. He occasionally wore snapbacks but recently he's been wearing them daily. I wondered if he was going through a bad boy phase where he would become even more of a player and a badass. Just thinking that made me sick, what if he was going to meet some booty call of his. What if that's why he couldn't see me all weekend because he was hooking up with other girls. Maybe that's why he was being distant.

"Bye Lexi." He said while closing the door behind him.

I sighed and walked upstairs to my room. My head was spinning with to many thoughts about Kaden. I seriously had a ranked list in my head of who he would most likely cheat with, it included ex's, school sluts. STOP! I yelled at myself, you have to trust him come on Lexi. He's probably just busy, he doesn't need to spend every second of every day with you. Stop being a jealous bitch.

I walked to Oliver's room, "are you decent?" I asked. I don't need to walk in on another workout with them. 

"Yeah." Oliver called back.

I walked in and Oliver was sitting on his bed with Sam in his lap. They both had controllers and we're facing the T.V playing some video game.

Sam is now 18 weeks along and her baby bump is starting to show slightly. It's still very small and unnoticeable when she wears baggy hoodies.

"Whatcha need, sista?" Oliver said laughing at Sam when she died on the game.

"Hey!" Sam said and slapped Oliver on the chest. When her hand stayed glued on his chest he smirked at her.

"Later," he said and she blushed.

"Hey! Guys! Younger sister right here!" I said pointing at myself.

Oliver smirked and Sam hid her face in his chest. I looked at his desk and saw a new picture of him and Sam. It was taken after a football game. He was holding her waist and kissing her cheek as she smiled away. (Above picture) it was very cute. I also saw a ultrasound picture and smiled as I picked it up.

Bad boys do it better.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora