Chapter 12

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Kadens POV

Holy shit! I just told Lexi I loved her. I don't even know how it happened, I have loved Lexi sense we were 13. I guess it just slipped out. She said it back which made me feel better but, I wasn't sure if I was actually in love with her. I mean I have stronger feelings for her than I've had for any other girl and we haven't even had sex. I don't know what's going on in my mind right now. I mindlessly followed Lexi up the stairs to her bedroom. I've done this billions of times, wandered up some random girls stairs to go have sex, when I'm not even thinking about them. I know it's wrong but, I don't know what my problem is. I've been trying to change for Lexi so that she trusts me but I'm not gonna lie. After having sex almost 5 times a week to 0 times in a couple months, I'm hurting here. We are now on her bed, my mind had still be wandering.
"Kaden?" Lexi says snapping me out of my train of thought.
"Hmmm" I say.
"Are you okay?" She asks smiling. God she was so beautiful, her long golden hair covering her face and deep blue eyes that looked right into my soul. Without thinking about it. I pushed a lock of hair away from her face. She caught my hand and held it.
"Kaden..." she started. My eyes snapped up to hers.
"Kaden...I..." She stutters. I'm still starting at her.
"I'm sorry this is gonna sound so bad, but I said I love you downstairs but the truth is I barely know you. How can I really love someone I don't know."
Ouch that stung... "I understand Lexi, I'm not in love with you yet either." Lies. "I just said that to comfort you."
"Good so we like each other but not love yet." She says confirming.
"Right." I say.
She wraps herself around me. I put my arms around her small body and hug her to my chest.
I put my lips by her ear, "Why were you so sad when I got here?" I whisper.
She sighs, my heart leaps, I get the feeling this is bad. Her eyes find mine.
"Sam's pregnant." She whispers. My heart drops, oh my god. All I can think of is Oliver, my best friend, he's gonna be a dad. If they keep it.
"I wasn't supposed to find out, I was eavesdropping." She says looking ashamed.
"Sam like Oliver's Sam?" I ask hoping it's not true.
A tear falls down her cheek. "Yeah..." she says.
"Oh god," I whisper. "Where is Oliver I need to see if he's okay."
"Kaden, he basically beat you to death not even 24 hours ago." She whispers. I almost forgot,
"I don't care, he's my best friend I need to check on him." I say.
"Okay be carful please, he's delicate right now." She says.
I know what she means, he is a ticking time bomb. I'm with his little sister, his girlfriend is pregnant. One wrong move even word and he will explode.
"I will." I promise. I kiss Lexi on the forehead and walk to her brother and my best friends room.
I knock twice, "Lexi please go away," he says. I heard his voice, he's trying to sound strong but it quivered, he's hurting more than he lets on. I open the door. Oliver is sitting on his bed with his feet off the edge and his head in his hands. Sam must have gone home because it's just him in here. He looks up and when he sees me his face sours.
"What are you doing here?" He snarles.
"I heard the news I just wanted to check on you, you are my best friend." I say oddly quiet.
"Best friends don't date each other's little sisters." He snaps.
"I'm sorry Oliver, I really am. You just need to understand you can't help who you develop feelings for. You didn't pick to fall in love with Sam." His face lightens a little at the mention of her name, he really does love her. "You thought she was just gonna be a hump and dump," I continue "and look at you now, you've been with her for almost 2 years." His face drops and he puts his head back in his hands. I hear his ragged breathing, he's trying not to cry. I walk to his bad and sit down beside him. I put a hand across his shoulders. "Oliver it's gonna be okay." I say
"How do you know?" His voice quivers. "What if she has complications during her pregnancy or her delivery, she's so young. It's gonna hurt her and it's my fault. If anything happens to her I won't be able to live with myself, I can't---"
"Woah Oliver!" I cut him off. "You can't think like that! You have to be positive for her and for your son or daughter. I mean you guys obviously weren't planning on having a baby so young but you guys probably would have had kids anyway. It's just a couple years earlier than planned." I say trying to reassure him.
"Yeah like 10 years earlier." He says.
"Oliver I'm here for you, everyone is here for you." I say.
"Thanks man." Oliver says. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I really got carried away." He says looking away embarrassed.
"It's alright bro, I probably would have done the same to you." I laugh.
That gets Oliver to chuckle.
Oliver and I spend the whole rest of the night playing video games and getting back to our old selves. We decide to blow of school tomorrow and just have fun tonight and then sleep all day tomorrow.
"Listen man," Oliver breaks the silence. "I'm okay with you and my sister, just take care of her please."
"I will bro, I promise." I say and I mean it.
It's now 6 am and Oliver and I are drifting away.
"No PDA either," Oliver suddenly says.
"Anything for you bro." I laugh. Oliver laughs too.
I smile before drifting off. I have my best friend back. What else could I possibly need.

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