Chapter 24

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Lexis POV
I ran into Oliver's bathroom. Frantically opening drawers and cabinets.

"Where the fuck is it?!" I shout.

I'm literally throwing his stuff all over the floor. My heads spinning. Jesus why can't I find it?!

I peak my head out of the bathroom and see Oliver sprawled on the floor— still unconscious. I can see he's at least breathing which makes my stomach ache subside a bit, but the fact that he's still unconscious is petrifying.

I search my pockets for my phone, and dial the only person I can think of.

"Hello?" Sam says in a raspy tone. Great I woke her up.

"Sam," my voice shakes. "I'm sorry to wake you up, but Oliver passed out and I can't find his anxiety medicine, and he's been out cold for like 5 minutes. God please come over."

"Hey, hey calm down. I'm on my way now." She says.

I pace around the room, getting down on my knees and feeling for Oliver's pulse. It's weak but he's okay— I hope — his face is pale and he's sweating like a pig. I had no idea his anxiety was this bad, yet another way our parents have fucked us all up.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, and down the hallway.

Please be Sam.

I breathe out a breath of relief when I see Sam appear in the doorframe. She holds a pill bottle in one hand, and a wet cloth in the other. She kneels beside me and sends a smile my way while putting the cloth on Oliver's forehead.

"Don't stress Lex, he's gonna be okay."

I didn't even notice I had tears running down my face.

"How do you know Sam? I've never seen him like this." I whisper.

She opens the bottle and places two light blue pills in her palm. She parts Oliver's lips and slips the pills into his mouth. Tilting his chin up and rubbing his throat I can see he swallows. She smiles.

"How do you know how to do this?" I question.

"I want to be a doctor goofball." She smiles at me.

She places her fingers on his checks and strokes his face lightly, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Hello sleepy boy." She whispers in his ear.

I see his chest rise with a large breath as his eye lids flutter open.

His eyes lock on Sam's when she gives him a small smile, and pushes his hair out of his face.

"I thought we talked about this love." Sam chides.

"Talked about what?" I blurt out.

She turns her head to face me.

"Talked about keeping our stress level at bay so we don't have anxiety induced issues." She says to me while her eyes glare at Oliver.

Oliver blushes. Oh my god OLIVER. The strong, amazing Oliver blushes. I let out a chuckle.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Oliver blushes when you glare at him." I laugh.

Sams attention is turned to Oliver once more and his face is now three shades darker. She puts her face close to his own and brushes her nose against his.

"Awwww Ollie are you a afraid of Dr. Sam here?" I giggle.

"No," he says stubbornly. "I just don't want her to be mad at me." He mumbles.

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