Chapter 25

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Lexi's POV

I wake up to two voices whispering and laughing together.

I stretch my arms over my head and look at the clock. 9am not too bad for a Saturday morning.

"Oliver I'm too sore." Sam giggles.

"You can never be sore enough to resist me." Oliver says in a very manly tone.

"Oh yes I can sir." Sam says.

"Prove it." Oliver says. Aging her on.

I hear their lips press together.

"I don't think I have to prove anything Oliver," Sam says. "Your babies already inside of me."

"This is true." Oliver laughs.

I make a gagging noise and hear laughs echo through my room.

"Sorry lex." Sam calls.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I say as I shuffle out of my bed.

I walk down the hallway to his room and push open the door. Only to see Oliver stripping Sam's shirt off her body.

"Oh my god, honestly?!" I say covering my eyes. "Are you two ever like not fucking?" I say.

Sam laughs and pulls Oliver's body on top of her own.

"You're the one that's always barging in." Oliver says snickering.

"Well Jesus if you guys weren't at it like rabbits all the time this wouldn't be an issue." I say.

They both laugh, and I glare at Oliver.

"Will you help me make breakfast?" I ask.

"Yeah I'll come down in just a minute." Oliver says winking at Sam.

"Gross," I say gesturing between the two of them. "Make it fast."

"Aye aye captain!" Oliver yells.

I shake my head as I walk down the stairs. Shuffling into the kitchen I grab eggs, milk, flour, olive oil, and chocolate chips. I grab the waffle iron and get it heating up. I mix all the ingredients together and pour some batter into the waffle iron. It makes a delicious sizzling noise as I close it.

I move to the refrigerator and grab two packages of bacon, placing a cast iron skillet over a burner to heat it up.

As I'm putting the bacon in the pan I head footsteps coming down the stairs. Oliver appears in the door way with tousled hair and a smirk on his lips.

"You my dear brother are severely whipped." I say, patting his chest.

"Ehhhh I don't know about that..." Oliver says.

"Mmmm hmmmm right." I chuckle.

"Okay fine, you're right. I'm whipped." He says.

"It's not a bad thing," I say. "You found someone you love it's quite cute, also gross, but still cute."

"Awww thanks sissy poo." He giggles.

"Oliver Joseph, if you ever say that again I'll kick you right where the sun don't shine." I threaten.

He puts his hands up and retreats from where he was leaning on the counter. Just then Sam comes around the corner.

"Oh don't hit him there," Sam laughs. "I want more kids eventually."

Oliver points at Sam and says "see you gotta follow her orders."

I flick my hand at them and turn back to cooking.

I hear them laughing, they're always laughing with each other. There's no question in my mind they were meant to be together, and honestly I think this baby was a message from the universe that they need to stay together. They just fit so perfectly together, they balance each other out, they make everything work. There was a time last year when I thought they were gonna break up, they kept fighting about something I don't know what it was; however, it was incredibly scary. I've never seen Oliver so depressed. After they would fight he would slump around and not talk much. They got through whatever it was and I think it made them stronger than ever. I'm interrupted from my thought process when I hear Sam gasp.

I look back and see her mouth is wide open like a fish.

Oliver looks her over quickly, concern lacing his features. "Sam what's wrong are you okay?"

A single tear falls down her check.

"Samantha, baby what's wrong?" He asks, holding her face in his hands.

Another tear falls down her face. "I— I just felt her Oliver." She says.

"What?" He asks, still looking intently at her.

"I felt her," she smiles. "She moved. I felt her moving!"

"Shit really?" Oliver asks.

Sam grabs his hand and places it on her now almost 30 weeks big belly. She moves his hand until it's in the perfect spot. "Ollie can you feel her."

"Oh my god..." is all he can say, shaking his head up and down.

"She's okay, Oliver. She's okay!" Sam jumps up and down.

Oliver wraps his arms around her and burries his face in the side of her neck. "She's okay, thank god she's okay." He whispers.

My heart melts for them. Their baby girl is gonna be just fine. Although at the same time my heart breaks for myself. Kadens surgery is tomorrow, and it can determine life or death. I'm snapped out of my trance by Sams voice.

"Lex come feel her." She says.

I walk over and place my hand on her stomach. All of the sudden my hand feels this little bump on it. It feels almost as if she's just kicking my hand through some padding. My face lights up.

"Oh my gosh. Hi little one." I coo.

Oliver wraps his arms around Sams waist and leans his head on top of hers. She places her hands on top of his and I notice there a ring sitting on her left hand.

"Wait..." I say eyeing the ring, and then Oliver. "Did you— did you?!" I can't even say it, it's so exciting.

"Calm down Lexi," he laughs, giving Sam a peck on the lips. "It's just a promise ring till I can get her a real one."

"Such a romantic you are." Sam smiles up at him.

"You guys are seriously way too cute to be real sometimes." I say. "So when's the wedding."

They both laugh, "we haven't gotten that far yet Lex. It'll probably still be a couple years. We both just know that this is what we want eventually." Oliver says emphasising the word eventually.

Sams blushing a deep red.

"What Sam?" I say giggling.

"Oh nothing," she says.

"What?" Oliver says. "Is my Sammi too embarrassed to talk about the future?" He says tickling her sides.

"Stop," she giggles, trying to push his hands away. She finally bobbles away as fast as she can with her big stomach with Oliver hot on her heels.

I watch them and laugh. See exactly what I said. Meant to be together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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