Chapter 4

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Lexis POV
This is Oliver in the photo above...
I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at my clock. It read 7:12 am, am? I slept all day and night. My goodness I must have been really hung over. I sat up slowly afraid my head would start spinning. There was a dull throb in my head, but it was much, much better than yesterday. I stood up and slipped my feet into my soft slippers. I crept down the first flight of stairs and slipped past, Lela, Alexis, Wilbur and Hector's room. Our house was four floors high. The four oldest kids were on the very top floor, so Oliver, Travis, Saddie and I's rooms were on the highest floor. Then the floor below was where the four younger kids were, so Lela, Alexis, Wilbur and Hector's rooms were on the third floor. Then the Second floor was where the master bedroom was, that was were my parents slept. Also on the second floor was the kitchen, dinning room, living room and my parents office. Then lastly we had the basement or the first floor, whatever you want to call it. I crept down the last flight of stairs and walked into our large kitchen. I got two large metal bowls out of our cabinet and set them on our marble island. I shuffled to our refrigerator and got eggs, bacon, sausage, milk, and puff pastry in a can. I got one bowl and mixed three packages of pancake mix, eggs, milk and some chocolate chips. I then put the puff pastry in small circles on a baking sheet and threw it in the oven. I got the other bowl and whisked some eggs and milk together. After about 45 minutes I had made, chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, eggs and fresh squeezed orange juice. I spread all the breakfast items on the island and looked at my watch. It was 8:30 am, everyone should be waking up relatively soon. I put a plate together for Oliver, it had three chocolate chip pancakes with syrup, a biscuit with gravy, a scoop of eggs, three pieces of bacon and three links of sausage. I poured him a glass of orange juice and grabbed some silverware. I walked upstairs quietly and opened Oliver's door, he was asleep so I walked to his bedside table and set it there. I was almost out of his door when I heard his voice,

"whats the matter?" He said sluggish from sleep.

"Nothing, I was just saying thank you." I smiled.

He turned his head and saw his plate, "well that was nice. Whats it for?" He smiled at me.

"A thank you, for saving my ass yesterday." I laughed

Oliver chuckled and said "anytime sis."

"Seriously thanks," I said, "I really appreciate it?"

"Stop thanking me, what are brothers for?" He smiled.

I walked over and gave him a quick hug, he smiled.

"Don't get to soft on me now." I said teasing him.

"Don't worry Lexi, I'll torture you later I'm to tired right now."

I laughed and then walked downstairs. It seemed Oliver was the only one who wasn't awake. Hector, Wilbur, Lela, Alexis, Saddie and even Travis were all downstairs. Everyone had grabbed a plate and were crowded around the dinning room table. I grabbed a pancake, some eggs and a couple pieces of bacon. I joined the rest of my siblings at the table and Alexis smiled at me.

"Thanks for breakfast Lexi." Alexis cooed. The rest of them joined in saying 'thank you' after Alexis said it.

"Your welcome." I said with a smile.

Oliver finally walked downstairs and joined us.

I heard a knock at the door, I stood to get it. Oliver beat me to the door.

Oliver opened the door, I was behind him. I saw Kaden's face, Oliver slammed the door.

"Oliver..." I said, sympathetically.

"No!" Oliver said. "I told him not to come back, if he thought I was kidding he needs to think again. You can't try to make a move on my little sister and not expect me to be pissed."

"I'm only 9 minutes younger than you Oliver." I said quietly. "You at least owe it to him to let him explain. You guys have been best friends sense the 3rd grade. Is that really gonna be over because he was drunk and didn't know what he was going?"

"Oh he knew..."

"Oliver!" I gave him a stern look.

"God, fine." He said, tiered of fighting with me.

Oliver opened the door, I saw Kaden was still standing there. I laughed.

"I'm sorry bro..." Kaden started.

"We'll talk upstairs." Oliver interrupted.

Oliver walked up the stairs and Kaden followed. I smiled as they walked upstairs. I knew Kaden and I wouldn't, scratch that, couldn't work but I still cared about him. I was glad to see Oliver was somewhat welcoming back Kaden. I was happy for Oliver and for me. I liked Kaden, as much as I hated admitting it I did. I loved Oliver and for him to lose his best friend just so I could date Kaden wasn't far of me. I was happy that Oliver would have his best friend back.

Just because it would never work between Kaden and I, didn't mean I couldn't care about him.


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