Chapter 22

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Lexis POV

Its been a week sense he's told me... to say I'm not crushed would be a lie. The realization really kicked me in the face after he dropped me of at home. I sat on my bed and cried all night. I couldn't believe this was happening to us, we were good kids, we were starting to figure our lives out and then bam! It blew up in our faces like a grenade. Kaden has tried to assure me that it will be okay and we will get through it. While he is very convincing there's still the red flag in the back of mind going, what if he doesn't make it? What if he dies? What will you do then? Sometimes I get a headache from thinking about all the what-ifs. I just really, really hope with all of my being that whatever happens, he will be okay.

His surgery is in three days and he's really nervous. I understand why, one of the main bones that allows you to walk is being removed from his body. I really don't know how he's holding himself together if it was me, I would be breaking down but, that's what concerns me. I'm not entirely sure he isn't breaking down, he's not the same as he used to be. I didn't expect him to be but, my absolute worst fear is that he feels like he has no one while going through something like this. I don't want him to be breaking and me not knowing.

I lie in my bed with my face in my pillow, I'm sobbing again because no matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about the horrific what-if's. I hear my door creek as it swings open. I bury my face further in my pillow and try to quiet my sobs so whomever it is doesn't know I'm crying. I wipe my face on my pillow and crane my neck to see who it is. Oliver stands in my doorway a dazed look on his face.

"Oliver?" I say, confused. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing." He slurs, "I went into the wrong room by accident."

Oliver starts to stumble away but I stop him.

"Oliver why are you drunk?" I ask, looking at him.

He walks back to my doorway and leans against it, "I felt like it."  He snarls, "got a problem?"

"Oliver, what the fuck! You said you were done doing that, you promised me when we were 16 that you wouldn't just come home drunk. You know how fucked up you get when your drunk sometimes. Why the hell would you go back to that, for no reason!" I shouted.

"I have a fucking reason." He growls. I know I have to be carful, I don't think Oliver would ever hurt me but when he's drunk he's not himself.

Oliver started drinking when we were 14 and by the time we were 16 he was getting wasted every night at parties and going to school on a hangover. He would ditch class and get bad grades, he just didn't care. He was an alcoholic. He always said he was just doing what he wanted and having fun, he always denied being an alcoholic. I knew it was from our parents, they have hurt all of us more than we let on. Every single one of my siblings, myself included have abandonment issues. Oliver found a way to get rid of the pain of them being gone, being drunk so he couldn't feel. One night when we were 16, Oliver was really, really drunk. I pissed him of and he threw a glass cup at my face. It gave me multiple deep cuts and I had to get 23 stitches in my face. When Oliver sobered up the next morning he felt awful, he didn't remember doing it and he hated himself for it. That's when he promised me he wouldn't get drunk ever again, he's kept that promise until now. Oliver has been through a lot these past two years and I can't possibly think of what must have been so bad that he got drunk again.

"Please enlighten me." I said, pissed.

"No, no I'm not telling you, I don't want your pity." He seethed.

"Oliver Joseph Huff, If you don't give me a fucking good reason for you being wasted right now I swear to--" I started.

"My baby is fucking messed up," He shouted at me. "There you fucking happy."

All my anger melted away with those five words, my face filled with sorrow as my drunk brother started sobbing right in front of me. Oliver barely ever shows emotion, something has to be seriously effecting him for him to cry in front of anyone.

"Oliver--" I started.

"Stop Lexi!" He shouted. "Please, just stop." He said quietly.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know, they wouldn't tell us exactly. They said she should have felt movement by now she's 21 weeks along. She hasn't felt anything, not even a single flutter. They think the baby is not developing as well as it should be, they said if that's the case they will be weak when they are born and they may not survive. They said its because her body is not ready to carry a baby yet. She's to young. God dammit, this is all my fault." He puts his hands in his hair. "I knocked her up, the person I love the most in this world is struggling because of my dumb ass."

"Oliver this is not all your fault." I say rushing to him and wrapping my arms around his strong body. "It takes two people to make a baby, plus you guys took all the precations you possibly could have. If you ask me this baby is a miracle, I mean you guys were obviously destined to have a baby. The chances of getting pregnant while on birth control and using a condom are like 0, you have a miracle baby." I say quietly.

He puts his head on my shouder and starts to cry again. "Oliver, your my twin, when your in pain, I'm in pain." I sobbed into his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Lexi. I promised you I wouldn't do this to myself again and I did. If I would have hurt you again, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself."

"You didn't Oliver and you wont." I say.

"I love you Lexi, thanks for understanding and listening to me, your an amzing little sister." Oliver whispered

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here. You know how much I love you." I say.

"Night Lex," He says, walking to his room. Hes beginning to sober up.

"Night Ollie." I say.

He groans loudly, "you know I hate that nickname."

"I know." I smirk.

As much as I felt like curling up in a ball and crying, I kept myself collected for Oliver. That is until I closed my door and I was bymyself. I sobbed into my pillow for what seemed like the millionth time recently. Why was everything in my life crumbling. My twin brother was crushed, my niece or nephew was sick and underdeveloped, my sister in law was sick and had a had a sick child growing inside of her, my boyfriend had cancer. What else could possibly go wrong, I thought. Just then our doorbell rang.

"Ughhhh, what now?" I groaned. It was 12p.m who could possibly be here at this hour.

I stomped down the steps and heaved open our door. My jaw nearly hit the floor at what was in front of me, my parents stood before me with three young children.

"This is June," she said pointing to the little girl on the left she looked like my mother, blonde hair and blue eyes, with a willowy frame.

"This is Jade," she said pointing to the other little girl who was clinging to June. She looked like a mix, dark brown almost black hair and hazel eyes with a very small frame.

"This is Jackson," she said pointing to the little boy on the right, he looked exactly like my father, which means he will look exactly like Oliver. He had dark black hair with stunning blue eyes and a large muscular frame.

"They are triplets,  they are four years old." My mother said.

"Jade, Jackson, June this is your oldest sister Lexi." I'm surprised she even remembers my name, I thought quietly.


If it was possibly for my jaw to hit the center of the earth it did.



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