Chapter 16

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Lexis POV

*warning there is a graphic rape scene in this chapter. Do not read if it can cause triggers*

I sit in my bed almost all day and cry. I should've known better, he just wanted to get in my pants and that's exactly want he got. He got what he wanted.

I called him and asked if we could meet somewhere to talk. He said that that was fine so, we decided to meet at a small restaurant downtown.

I parked a few blocks away from the restaurant because we were in downtown and it was packed with people! I was planning out what I was going to say to Kaden when I bumped into a man.

"I'm so sorry, sir!" I say, glancing up. He looked to be about 40 years old and had blonde hair with bright blue eyes.

He smirks, "no big deal hunny." He looks at me, but it almost feels like he's looking though me. He looks like he's inspecting me. "My, you sure are pretty." He says.

"Thank you, if you'll excuse me, I must be going." I say wanting to get away from him. I had a weird vibe about this guy.

"Not so fast," he says, grabbing my hand.

"Please let go," I say attempting to pull my hand away. His grip tightens.

"I don't so," he says, I wicked grin forming on his face. He puts a hand over my mouth and pulls me into what must be his apartment building.

I kick my feet and bite his hand, trying and failing to get away.

I bite hard on his hand covering my mouth and not relase my jaws until I taste blood.

"Jesus you bitch." He cusses and slaps me across my face. Pain sears through my head and tears start to form in my eyes.

He drags me up the stairs and into an apartment room. At this point tears are streaming down my face because I know I don't have a way out. What frustrates my more is that I was only a few feet from the safety of the restaurant and I could've gotten there if I just left the minute I got a bad vibe form him. Ugh so stupid I say to myself.

He drags me to his bedroom and says "we can do this the easy way or the hard way, I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to." I whimper in return.

He takes my right hand and wraps a handcuff around my wrist. I thrash and spin trying to get away. He punches me hard in the ribs, knocking the wind out of my and causing me to gasp.

"I told you, easy or hard way it's up to you." He growls as he straps the handcuff to the bedpost. He then does the same with my left hand. He grips my foot and wraps another handcuff around my left ankle. Where he starts it to the bed post. I kick and scream and receive another slap across the face.

I start screaming when I can't move my limbs anymore they are all strapped to different corners of the bed post. I get another hard slap. I continue to scream until he lifts my shirt off of me and wraps it around my mouth. Tears pour down my face as my chest is nearly bare.

"Ahhhhhhhh this is gonna be fun." He growls. While getting on top of me, kissing and licking my boobs. It's not pleasurable at all, like when Kaden did it. It makes my feel like I'm gonna puke, I don't want him touching me, he's a sick sick man.

"S-stop" I hiccup from crying.

He reaches his hand behind my back and unclamps my bra. He then peels it off and begins sucking on my boobs.

Bad boys do it better.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora