Chapter 15

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Lexis POV
I feel someone breathing on my forehead and open my eyes slightly. I see Kaden with his chin pressed to my forehead and his mouth slightly parted. Kaden looks so mature and older than he actually is, and seeing him asleep makes him look younger, it's adorable. I feel his warm chest pressed against mine. I slightly remember what happened last night, I know we had sex and I know I initiated it. However I was pretty drunk last night and can't remember how it was which makes me kinda upset. My head is killing me, another sign I was way to drunk. I feel warm muscular arms wrap around my waist and smile into Kadens chest. His lips press to my forehead and I look up at him. His eyes are still closed but his lips are pulled up in a smile. I press my lips to the corner of his and cup my hand on his cheek. His eyes open slightly and he smiles at me.

"Hey angel." He says, his voice raspy and sexy from sleep.

"Hey bear," I smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I have a bad headache."

"That's not what I meant." He smirks.

"Wha---" I start, but then understand what he's implying. "Kaden, you horny bastard." I laugh slapping his chest.

"Do you want some ibuprofen?" He smirks.

"I'll get it." I laugh.

I stand to go get it and nearly fell over at the soreness I'm feeling. I hiss quietly as my headache also pains me. I carefully slip on some underwear and a his shirt.

"You alright babe?" He says quietly.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little sore." I laugh.

Kaden quirks an eyebrow at me smirks. "I tend to do that to people."

"Oh shut up," I playfully laugh.

He gets up and wraps his arms around me.

"Take a hot shower, it'll help." He laughs.

"How would you know?" I smirk.

"I was sore my first couple times too, it happens to everyone." He replies honestly.

"And when was that?" I say quietly, genuinely curious as to when he lost his virginity.

"It doesn't matter." He says, shying away.

"Just tell me, no judgment I promise." I say sincerely.

"Fine, I'll tell you if you tell me." He counters.

"Deal," I smirk knowing he just got cheated.

He sighs and turns me to face him "my fourteenth birthday. I was in 8th grade." His face holds some kind of sadness and I wonder what it is. "What about you?" He asks.

"Well actually I lost my virginity last night." I smile at him but his face turns grim.

"What?" He questions. "I took your virginity?" He sounds ashamed.

"I wouldn't say took, I gave it to you." I blush.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks getting upset.

"I didn't think it mattered." I whispered.

"You have to tell me something like that!" He says running a hand through his hair.

"Why?! What difference does it make!" I say my voice getting louder.

"I took your innocence, I promised myself I wouldn't do that anymore. I've done it to way to many girls."

"Am I not different? I thought you cared about me, o don't understand why it matters. It's not like you raped me, I wanted to have sex with you. I wanted you to take my virginity." I say getting flustered.

"Well what if that's not want I wanted? I didn't want to take your virginity!" He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I promised myself I wouldn't take another girls virginity that I didn't care about!" He shouts.

"What?" I say my voice cracking. "You don't care about me?" I say quietly. "I think you should leave." I say.

"Angel, that's not want I meant---"

"Go now!" I shout.

"I'm sorry, Lex I really didn't mean--"

"Please just go," I whimper.

He reaches out to me and cups my cheek but I pull away and stare at him.

He sighs and goes to leave, "just so you know this is not me leaving this is you pushing me away."

He shuts my door and I collapse on my bed in tears. This is going to be a long day.

Bad boys do it better.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora