Chapter 9

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Lexis POV 

I woke up with Kaden's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt his hot breath on my forehead. My head was pressed against his chest and the steady rising and falling of his body soothed me. I wriggled quietly from his grip and sat on the edge of his bed. I glanced at the clock on his bedside table and saw that it read 10:19 am. Shit, we were late to school. Forget it, I said to myself. I picked up my cell phone and called the office at school. I was very used to imitating my mother, especially for when the younger kids were sick.

"Hello this is Mrs. Carter at Groveport high school, how can I help you?"

"Hi," I said in my mothers voice. "I was calling to say my Daughter Lexi is sick today. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier, I forgot."

"Oh, alright, thank you." She cooed. With that I ended the call.

I went to the mini fridge and grabbed two more icepacks. I walked silently over to Kayden and started unwrapping his ace bandage. His eyes fluttered open and he fixed his gaze on me.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Its alright." He said his voice raspy from sleep.

I finished unwrapping his bandage and pulled the old icepack off his ribs. They were still badly bruised and looked worse than yesterday. I gasped.

"What?" He asked, concerned.

"Its just..... your ribs, they look like they really hurt."

"Nothing I can't handle." He said in a deeper than usual voice, and I laughed at his effort.

He smiled at me.

"You look very pretty this morning." He said quietly.

"Actually, I look like shit." I laughed.

"No, you really don't." He said.

I smiled at him and pressed a quick kiss on his unbruised cheek.

"Want breakfast?" I ask.

"Sounds great." He smiles, starting to lift his body up. I watch him wince as he pulls him self up. I put my arms around him and help him stand up.

"You shouldn't have to help me." He says quietly, sounding ashamed.

"My brother also didn't have to beat you up." I say. "Why didn't you fight back?" I ask.

"I felt like I deserved it, plus I could never hit my best friend."

"What do you mean you deserved it?" I said.

"I'm an asshole, I took his little sister and he probably thinks I'm just using you like I do everyone else." He looks away.

"Hey," I say. "Don't think like that."

"I can't help but think like that when that's all anyone else ever thinks."

"I don't think of you like that." I whisper.

"Please," He huffs. "Your probably just waiting for me to screw this up like I do everything else and then you will win the game."

I stare at him and a tear falls down my cheek. "That's not how I feel at all," I say. "I genuinely care about you and I will end the game if you want this to be a real relationship!" I shout, I don't know why I'm shouting but I am.

He stares at me, "I want to end the game," he says quietly. "Do you?"

"Yeah, I do. I want this to be real." I say quietly.

"Me too." He whispers.

"God dammit though you need to be more cocky like you always are." I say.

"What?" He says confused.

"No more of this, no one needs me bullshit." I say.

"No one needs me," he says. "Its not bullshit if it true."

"Dammit, Kaden!" I shout. "I need you! I don't get what you don't understand I need you so much, because....."

"Because?" He questions.

"Because I'm falling in love with you." I say so quietly he wouldn't hear it if he wasn't so close.

He looks at me and smiles as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me to him.

"I'm falling in love with you too." He whispers in my ear.

"Aren't you to old for me?" I laugh.

"I'm only 18." He says.

"I'm 17, that means your like an old man compared to me." I kid.

"I'm your old man." He says against my neck.

"You promise?" I say.

"Forever and always." He says.

I push my lips to his and wrap my arms around his shoulders. He kisses me back, although in this kiss you can feel our connection. It runs deeper than just the physical attraction we have for each other. You can tell we are falling in love. Standing there kissing Kaden, I know we will be together. I can see our future. Even though he has done stupid stuff in his life, I can tell by the way he talks to me that he regrets it. We are getting closer and closer and my feelings for him grow stronger by the second. Every where he touches me is like a jolt of energy going through me. I know not even someone as strong as Oliver can separate us for long. I have liked Kaden for so long, that's why its so easy for me to start falling in love with him. Its the same for him though I've liked him a bit longer than he has liked me. You can feel our emotions pouring out of our kiss, how happy we are to finally be together. It's easy for us to be together when that's what we have both wanted for so long. I have such faith in Kaden. As we kiss into oblivion, I can't picture anyone better for me but Kaden, and I don't ever want to find out.

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