Chapter 3

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Lexis POV
Gigi Hadid as Lexi

I lifted my heavy eyelids. I glared at the clock, it read 2:17 pm. However something was wrong, the clock I was glaring at was not mine. Fear prickled through me, I remembered very little from last night. I was really hoping I wasn't in some strangers bed. I looked to my left and saw Oliver next to me. Oliver had a large king bed, he was pressed to one side, while I was pressed to the other. Small parts of last night started coming back. Oliver and I were talking last night, after I had promised I wouldn't see Kaden.

I was so drunk last night that my memory's were hazy, glossed over. I must have passed out in his room last night while we were talking. I sat up, only to feel instantly dizzy. My head was pounding. I held my forehead hoping that the slight pressure would ease the imaginary hammer smashing against my brain. My stomach suddenly flipped, I ran to Oliver's bathroom. I threw up in the toilet, my stomach was dry heaving. It seemed every milliliter of fluid was drained from my body. I was so dehydrated. I held my head as my stomach contracted again.

"Fuck!" I whisper yelled. I felt terrible. My throat was dry, my stomach was heaving, my head was pounding and my legs felt like jello.

Oliver appeared to my right, "you alright Lexi?" He questioned.

"No." I whined

"Well that's what happens when you get hammered." He said matter o' factually.

"Hey, you were hammered too." I said.

"No Lexi," he smirked "I was drunk, you were hammered. There's a big difference."

"Oh shut up!" I said.

"You wouldn't believe some of the things you told me." He laughed.

My throat tightened, I hoped I hadn't shared some deep dark secret with him.

Oliver and I were pretty close, we both blamed it upon us being twins. We always thought it was some secret twin telepathy we had. We understood each other. Oliver always took care of me, even though he didn't like admitting it.

Oliver stood behind me and held my hair, while my stomach heaved again. It was little gestures like that that made me love Oliver. Yes, we fought..... a lot. However at the end of the day we truly cared about the other.

"Help me up." I said. I lifted my hand and Oliver hauled me to my feet. My legs felt like jello and I could hardly stand. I felt myself tipping forward, Oliver's hands hooked under my arms.

"God Lexi, you were even more hammered than I thought if you still can't stand after 11 hours of sleep."

"Fuck off." I said with a fake smile.

Oliver snickered, I nearly started falling again.

"Jesus, Lexi."

"Just give me a minute." I said stabilizing myself. "Okay, I think I'm good."

I started walked downstairs, with Oliver close behind me. My legs starting feeling like jello again. "Oliver!" I said, starting to tip. He grabbed me just before I fell. When I finally finished walking downstairs, I got a cup of water and finished it all in one breath.

"If you feel half as bad as you look..." Saddie started.

"Oh zip it Saddie." I glared.

"I want breakfast." Hector whined.

I was on my third glass of water.

"I can't today Hector, make some cereal." I cooed.

"I don't wanna!" He whined.

My parents were on yet another business trip. I loved my parents but I did miss them a lot. I felt as if Oliver and I were raising the younger kids. Sometimes it was exhausting because it wasn't my job to take care of six younger kids, yet I had to because if I didn't who else would. My parents had basically been gone for the past four months, they would stop in. However it would never be more than a night at home.

Hector was still whining.

"Hector please, stop whining! I don't feel well." I hushed.

"Yeah, its called hangover syndrome." Saddie snickered. I glared at her.

Oliver was eating bacon from the refrigerator. "I'll make food Hector." He said.

I gave him a thankful look.

Lela and Alexis came into the kitchen.

"I'm hungry too." Alexis cooed.

"I'm gonna take Lexi upstairs." Oliver said. "I'll come back down and make breakfast."

"Why do you need to take her upstairs?" Lela questioned.

"She's sick." Oliver said.

Saddie snickered again and I gave her a glare that said; "if you say anything you will pay for it." without saying words.

Oliver pulled me upstairs to my room.

"Get some sleep, and feel better soon please! I need some help with the hoodlums!" He snickered.

I laughed, but then held my head in pain. Oliver set three ibuprofen by my glass of water. Oliver started to leave. "Oliver," I said "thank you so much, I really appreciate it."I smiled.

"Anytime." Oliver smiled, and shut my door.

I swallowed my three pills and shut my eyes.

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