Chapter 5

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Lexis POV
Here's Sam in the photo above...

I walked upstairs to my room. I turned the handle and the smell of my favorite perfume flooded my nose. It smelled like vanilla and strawberry's blended perfectly together. I pulled my remote out of my bedside table drawer. I flipped through channel after channel, I finally settled on a national geographic channel. I watched as they walked through Paris talking about the dangers of terrorism. I slowly drifted to sleep.

I awoke to my door turning, "Hector, baby whats wrong?" I cooed. Hector constantly needed help, but what do you expect form a 7 year old. He was a baby, I was basically like his mother. My door was pushed open, I saw Kaden's face. I sat up straighter and tried to smooth my hair down. I was sure I was a mess.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty." He smirked.

"Oh shut up." I said.

I glared at my clock, it was six. God, what was up with me sleeping so much recently?

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

"Just checking up on you, you've been radio silent sense our kiss."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said in a sarcastic voice. "I know I should have come running after you, like every other girl right?"

His face twisted, "well that would be nice."

I glared at him.

"What?" He smiled.

"Why are you bothering with me? I don't wanna be with you. You're just gonna use me, like all the other girls. I'm just another meaningless sex toy."

He looked at me, "most girls want to be with me." He said, honestly confused.

"I'm not one of those girls." I hissed.

"You seemed like you wanted to be at the party." He said.

"I was drunk." I replied modestly. "If anything I was using you, I just wanted to kiss someone."

I watched him, and for a split second I thought I saw emotion flicker in his eyes. If anything was there, it was gone faster than it came. His hard look returned, and he glared at me.

"No one uses me." He growled.

I smiled flirtatiously at him, "there's a first for everything."

"You wanna play hard to get." He smiled. "I'll get you."

"No you won't." I said, "I'm not attracted to you."

"Oh your not?" He smirked, stepping closer to me. His nose was brushing mine, His forehead pressed against mine. "Wanna kiss me?" He asked.

"No." I breathed. I was fighting the urge to push my lips to his.

"I will get you to love me." He smiled cockily.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Lets make it official." He smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"You just turned this into a cat and mouse game." He said.

"How?" I said.

"I wanna chase you and make you want me, because every girl wants me and it bothers me that you don't. You wanna run away for some unknown reason. The cat always wins and I'll catch you eventually. Believe me I won't stop until I catch you."

I smiled, "You will never catch me."

"Well, lets just see." He smirked.

"First one to say 'I love you' loses." I said.

"Game on." He smiled.

Kaden pressed his lips to mine for a brief second before pulling away.

"Be prepared to lose mouse." He smirked before leaving.

I took a deep breath after he closed the door. This game was gonna be hard but I was determined to win. I flashed back to our first kiss. Two can play at this game Kaden, I thought. I can make you want me too.

Game on, Kaden.

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