Chapter 1

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"Jack! Will you hurry up?!" I yell up to my brother.

"I'll be down in a second Liv!"

"I'm going to go without you!"

I see Jack poke his head over the railing of the fire escape. "Don't you dare!"

"Then hurry up!"

I hear him mumble something under his breath as he climbs down the fire escape. "Why are you so bossy?"

"I don't know. Why are you so slow?"

He jumps down in front of me. "I don't just wake up this handsome."

I roll my eyes. "I guess being older also makes you more cocky."

He puts his arm in my shoulder. "No, it just makes me better looking. Now come on. You're the one complaining about leaving."

We get to the distribution center right when the gates open and take our spots line.

"Hey Liv. What took you two so long?" Race asks.

"Ask Jack. It was his fault."

"I told you. It takes me a while to get this handsome," Jack says.

"Well you not doing a very good job Jack," Race says with a smirk.

"I normally would object, but I agree with Race," I add.

"It's hate on Jack day isn't it?" Jack mumbles.

"Actually Liv, I want to ask you a favor," Race says.

"No, I won't spot you any money."

"Come on! Why not?"

"Because every time I do, you spend it at the tracks. Besides, you still owe me."

"I'll pay you back...eventually," he mumbles.

"You need more money shrimp," I hear Oscar sneer behind me. I turn around.

"No I don't. I have the right amount," Laces squeaked out. Laces was was one of the newer and younger newsies. He earned his name for never having his shoe laces tied.

"You need ten more cents if you want fifty. Now pay up or move along," Morris adds.

I push to the front and count the money Lace put down. "He has enough. But don't worry, I know counting isn't either of your skills."

Morris lunges at me, only to get blocked by the metal bars in the windows. I glance back at Jack and I can already tell he wants me to step away. I ignore him and turn to Morris. "Give Laces his papes."

"He needs ten more cents," Oscar says.

I narrow my eyes and walk towards the door that leads to the back of the counter.

"Liv," I hear Jack warn, but I ignore him.

I storm behind the counter and grab Oscar by the collar. "You and I both know that he has enough. Give. Him. The. Papes."

A smirk grows on Oscars face. "What are you going to do sweet face? Punch me?"

I think for a second before I smirk back. "Yes." I punch him in the nose, causing him to stumble into his brother. I smile and put my money of the counter, picking up papers for both me and Laces.

"Here you go. Sorry they have you a hard time, kid," I say as I hand the papes to him.

"Thanks Liv." He smiles before running off.

"What was that?" I hear Jack ask from behind me.

I turn. "Just me showing those brothers why they shouldn't mess with us."

"You could've gotten hurt."

"But I didn't."

"You have to be more careful Liv. Just let me handle it next time."

"I'm fine Jack. We both have our papes and I got to punch a Delancey. Let's just forget it."

"I just," he sighs. "Alright. I just want you safe."

"Im fine. Now can we sell before this headline becomes old news," I ask with a laugh.

"Like your actually going to use that headline," he replies, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walk out.

As we leave, I can feel someone watching me. And, even though to don't turn to see who it is, I have already have a person in mind.

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