Chapter 16

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"I'm so dead!" I laugh, running hand in hand with Oscar to the distribution center.

"Hey, we are both late!" Oscar replies. I laugh as we continue running. As we start to dash down the alleyway that leads to the distribution center, Oscar stops me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hey, before we split up for the day, I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me? For what?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Just...for being so amazing. For forgiving me after I was so stupid yesterday."

"Well, I can't stay mad at my favorite boy forever," I say, kissing him.

"I'm glad." He smiles at me before running his finger down my cheek. "I also wanted to thank you for last night. It was....amazing."

I blush a bit. "Y-yeah. You're welcome." I clear my throat, attempting to wipe the blush off my cheeks. "Anyways, we should probably split up now."

Oscar laughs a bit. "Alright little miss bashful," he says, kissing my cheek. "I'll see you later."

I wait a few minuets after Oscar leaves before I make my way to the distribution center. Right as I get there, Jack runs up and wraps me in a hug. "Liv! You have no idea how worried I was!"

"What?" I ask, hugging him back.

"You weren't at the lodging house when I got back from selling yesterday. Race said you went out for a walk, but when you didn't come back by sundown, I got worried." He pulls away, his hands still gripping my shoulders. "Where were you?"

" stayed the night at Brooklyn."

"Brooklyn? You hate Spot and, well, let's face it, Spot isn't to fond of you either."

"Well, I lost track of time and, by the time the sun went down, I was still pretty far from the lodging house. But, I was close to Brooklyn. So, I figured that it would be safer to stay there and walk back in the morning. It took some convincing, but Spot eventually broke down." I look down at my feet. "Are you mad?"

Jack sighs and hugs me again. "No, I'm not mad. I'm just happy you're safe. I thought I lost you." He pulls away and playfully pushes me. "I'm sorry you had to deal with Spot all night."

I laugh. "He is way to cocky." I feel a lump form in my stomach. I hate the fact that I had to lie about everything. I don't want to lie to Jack, but I couldn't let him find out about Oscar, not yet.

"I'll agree with that," Jack laughs. "Come on, let's get our papes." He throws his arm over my shoulder as we start to walk towards the window.

"There you are!" Race yells, running up to us. "Where on earth were you?"

"She lost track of time on her walk, so she stayed the night at Brooklyn," Jack replies.

"Brooklyn?" I shoot Race, telling him that I will explain later. "Well," Race continues. "I'm glad you're safe."

"You and me both Race," I reply.

"Now come on, we need to get our papes before they're all gone," Jack says before walking to his spot in line, leaving me with Race.

"Alright, tell me the truth Liv. What happened?"

I sigh. "I went to talk with Oscar last night and he admitted that yelling at me and leaving was wrong. He also said that he really loves me. I forgave him, but then he told me Morris got the two of them jobs at the refuge."

"The refuge? The one that locked up Jack?"

"No, the other refuge," I reply, rolling my eyes. "Yes that one. He told me Morris already accepted the job for both of them and that he can't get out of it. He said he felt...trapped. So I tried to cheer him up thing lead to another and..."

Races eyes go wide. "Livianna Suzanne Sullivan! You did NOT do what I think you did!"

"Shhh!" I say, cringing at my full name. "Keep your voice down." I look around before continuing. "Yes, I did. That's why I didn't come back last night."

Race rubs his forehead. "Liv, please, please say you're joking with me."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry, but I'm not. Look, we just need to get our papes and act like nothing happened. Y-you're not going to tell Jack right?"

"You've asked me to keep a lot from your brother, but I think I might need to draw the line here."

"Race no! Please don't tell Jack. Please."

Race sighs and looks around, as if the right answer would suddenly appear. "Liv, I just-"

"Please. I'm begging you. Jack would never trust me again. I'll...I'll tell him when the time is right. I promise."

Race bites his lip before finally caving in. "Fine. I won't tell him. But, you have to tell him. And soon," he says, walking to get his papes.

I sigh. "I'll tell him....eventually."

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