Chapter 18

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"W-what do you mean 'they let dad out of jail?'" T-they couldn't have. H-he's in there for life!"

"That's what you and I thought, but he's out now. Apparently, he was somehow able to convince the court he changed and is a 'law biding citizen.'"

"H-how do you know."

Jack pulls out a page from today's paper. "'Man released from jail after thirteen years,'" he reads, handing me the paper. "It says right there that the man's name is Robert Sullivan."

I run my fingers over the picture. He looks different from when I last saw him, more tired and thin. But, the sparkle in his eye is the same. It's the same sparkle that Jack has. "So...does that mean he can come get us?"

"I....I don't know. Maybe if he really wants to, but...I just don't know."

"B-But I don't want him to take us! I want to stay here with the other newsies! Mush and Race and Crutchie a-and everyone! They're our family!"

"Hey, hey, shh," Jack says, wrapping me in a hug. "We don't know if he will even be able to find us. As far as he knows I'm still Francis Sullivan and you're Livianna Sullivan."

I hug him back tightly. "I don't want to go back to him."

He sighs and starts to stroke my hair. "I know, but there's no use worrying about something that might not happen, so let's just try to stay calm."

I nod. "Ok...I'll try."

"Don't worry," Jack says, tightening his grip around me. "I won't let him get you. I promise."
I sit on the rooftop, looking out over the city. "Jack was right all along, Oscar is nothing but trouble," I mumble. "I truly thought he was different. I really thought that he was good. Boy, was I wrong."

"Liv? Is that you?"

I look towards the voice. "Hey Race. How did you know I was up here?"

"This place is basically your and Jack's safe haven. You both always come up here when you're sad," Race says, sitting next to me. "Um...Jack told us about your father."

"He did?"

Race nods. "Yeah, just a few minutes ago."

I laugh a bit. "I never thought I would have to worry about seeing that old crazy ever again."

"Yeah...but, I have a feeling that you're thinking about someone else."

"You and Jack were right," I sigh. "Oscar isn't nice, he's pure evil. Just like Morris."

"I take that you broke up with him?"

I nod. "Yep. After you took Laces back here."

" what it's worth, he doesn't deserve an amazing girl like you. Heck, any boy would be glad to call you their girl."

Hearing those words, I break down into tears. I wrap Race in a hug, crying into his shoulder. "H-he never loved me did he?"

Race sighs and hugs me back. "In my opinion, no. I don't think he did. I think he was simply playing with your heart to get what he wanted."

"And I-I gave it to him." I hug Race even tighter.

"Hey, now. It's not your fault. He just...took advantage of you. He tricked you."

"But what am I suppose to do now? Jacks worried enough about our father. Imagine me telling him I've been secretly dating behind his back."

"As for your dad, don't worry about him. Jack won't let him take you. And Oscar, just forget about him, Liv. You're an amazing girl and he doesn't deserve you."

"I-I can't!" I cry into Race's shoulder. "I really loved him. I still love him. It took everything I had not to go and apologize and hug him and-and kiss him. As much as he hurt me, I-I still love him."

"I'm not going to lie," Race says, combing his fingers through my hair. "I was afraid you were going to say that."

"Wh-what should I do?"

"Well for starters," he says, pulling away from the hug. "Wipe your tears. You can't let him have the satisfaction of making you cry."

I wipe my eyes one the back of my hand. "Ok, what now?"

"Now," Race says, standing up. "We are going to get off this roof and go back inside. Your not going to accomplish anything if you freeze yourself to death." He holds out his hand to me.

I smile and take it, standing up. "But, what if the others can tell I was crying?"

"If they can, they won't say anything. But, if they do, just tell them it was about your dad."

I nod. "Ok." I take a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"Hey Liv, one more thing."


Suddenly, Race pulls me into a hug. "I'm always here for you. No matter what, you can count on me."

I smile and hug him back. "I know. Thank you, for everything."

"Now," Race says, pulling away. "Let's get back down before Jack sends out a search party."

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